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What Is Adrenochrome? Follow The White Rabbit...

Writer: Operation QOperation Q

Updated: Mar 7

Structural Formula Looks Like A White Rabbit
Structural Formula Looks Like A White Rabbit

It's about time the world got informed about the elites preferred drug of choice and its disturbing torturous methods of production. Adrenochrome, a chemical known by "modern science" since at least the 1930's, is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C9H9NO3. For the purpose of this summary we are primarily focusing on the natural version of adrenochrome and not the synthetic equivalent, as the elites use the most addictive and expensive stuff.

To put this in laymens terms adrenochrome is the adrenalized blood that is harvested when a human is abused and tortured (sometimes to death). The use of extreme sexual torture, satanically ritualized sodomy and violent rape of children in nightmarish demon-god sex rituals specifically designed to create maximum terror in a child’s body, to overload their blood with adrenochrome prior to extraction. The blood must be harvested quickly by puncturing their skull with a hypodermic needle right in the center of their forehead where the third eye/pineal gland is located. Younger children are preferred for these satanic rituals because their pineal glands are only minimally calcified by the fluoride in our water and toxins in our food/environment.

White Hat Elon Musk Double Tweeted "Take The Red Pill" & "Follow The White Rabbit"
White Hat Elon Musk Double Tweeted "Take The Red Pill" & "Follow The White Rabbit"

In the following clip we see a young Syrian girl taken by traffickers as she panics, raising her adrenaline, right before they put her up on a table with a tray put beneath her, to harvest either her adrenochrome and/or organs. In the video you will also notice small children covered up on harvesting tables and on the ground discarded like trash in bags.

These global elites and celebrities take the adrenochrome for its psychoactive effects including euphoria, greater health, increased vivacity, change in train of thought and lack of judgment. Just as there are benefits for any drug there are withdrawals too. We are witnessing many of these elites suffer from adrenochrome withdrawal during the COVID-19-AI-NWO-plandemic-scamdemic. We can identify they are suffering from adrenochrome withdrawal as the symptoms include reversing positive effects, schizophrenia, sever physical / mental / emotional damage and accelerated aging (e.g. Courteney Cox).

Adrenochrome Withdrawal Courteney Cox Accelerated Aging
Adrenochrome Withdrawal Courteney Cox Accelerated Aging

It was reported that all of the adrenochrome production facilities have been shutdown as part of the White Hat Military Alliance draining the deep state Luciferian Fascist Zionist Freemasonic Jesuit Illuminati swamp. However, before they were shutdown the last supply was purposefully tainted with a HIV version of COVID-19 to act as a marker for those elites involved in crimes against humanity. The following image differentiates the SARS versus HIV strain of COIVD-19 and the possible outcomes for either scenario.

COVID-19 Strains: SARS vs. HIV
COVID-19 Strains: SARS vs. HIV

Google Patents search yielded over 4,200 results containing "adrenochrome" at the initial writing of this article stemming as far back as 1944, although since updating in early 2023 only 3,500 results remained, followed by only 2,500 results by the end of 2023. Hmm seems like patents are being revoked and erased pertaining to adrenochrome? 3M has an expired adrenochrome patent, US4501923A "Process for preparing adrenochrome" and a Korean company holds a similar patent that is still validated, KR880001026B1 "Process for preparing adrenochrome."

Click To Search Google Patents: "Adrenochrome"
Click To Search Google Patents: "Adrenochrome"
Click To View Patent: US2581850A Adrenochrome Compositions
Click To View Patent: US2581850A Adrenochrome Compositions

This is nothing new as seen in the following historical symbolic depiction of adrenochrome consumption.

Historical Symbolic Depiction of Adrenochrome Consumption
Historical Symbolic Depiction of Adrenochrome Consumption

Equally, the following 1627 famous artwork by Raphael Sadeler II labelled in Latin with "Sex Pvveri Ratispone Ab Ivdæis Interfecti" translates to "Six Children Killed By The Jews In Regensburg" and is from the book "Bavaria Sancta: The Life And Martyrdom Of Holy Men And Women (Vol. III)" by Johann Matthias Kager. No coincidence that Regensburg is a place in Bavaria and Bavaria is where the Illuminati was established by the Canaanite Khazarian Mafia/Jesuits.

Six Children Killed By The Jews In Regensburg - Raphael Sadeler II (1627)
Six Children Killed By The Jews In Regensburg - Raphael Sadeler II (1627)

Supporting Evidence: Images & Videos

CYM Caring Corp internal documents surfaced online on multiple occasions and the companies online presence seems to have dissipated in light of what the documents entail. The corporation boasts about having the purest natural adrenochrome and refers to their purchased and enslaved children in their "detention centers" as "items." Below details some commentary from their since deleted Gab profile and some pricing documentation relating to the cost of their adrenochrome per 100mg dependent on quality grade.

Click To View Scanned Images: CYM Caring Corp Client Adrenochrome Pricing
Click To View Scanned Images: CYM Caring Corp Client Adrenochrome Pricing
Click To View Archived Gabs: CYM Caring Corp Client Adrenochrome Christmas 2020 Pricing
Click To View Archived Gabs: CYM Caring Corp Client Adrenochrome Christmas 2020 Pricing
Click To View PDF: CYM Caring Corp Employee Promotions
Click To View PDF: CYM Caring Corp Employee Promotions
CYM Caring Corp Detention & Production Site In Texas
CYM Caring Corp Detention & Production Site In Texas

As seen in the above documents and following since deleted Gab profile the company conveniently rented an office at the Trump Tower (725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022, United States Of America, Office 292) to make it seems as if Trump is somehow affiliated with adrenochrome.

Click To View Archived Gabs: CYM Caring Corp Company Profile
Click To View Archived Gabs: CYM Caring Corp Company Profile

The following image and investor video clip were archived from which is no longer online. This site acted as an introduction to the new cryptocurrency Adrenochrome (ADC) ERC20 token contract "specifically designed to facilitate the high-velocity, cryptographically secure international trading of the chemical compound adrenochrome (C9H9NO3)." It is a next generation, decentralized, anonymous, blockchain cryptocurrency, which utilizes smart contract technology. By creating the A-CHROME blockchain and ADC coin they have effectively closed the loop on resellers and assumed total control of the product. Take a look at some of the other archived pages from their website:

Relatedly, as seen below an adrenochrome delivery truck has been spotted, claiming to offer every "flavour" with 24/7/365 home delivery service.

The adrenochrome we are discussing here today is not to be confused with the synthetic versions available on the online market for significantly less as seen below.

Synthetic Adrenochrome For Sale Online
Synthetic Adrenochrome For Sale Online

Trump intentionally misspelled children as "chidlren" as it relates to products being sold online that come from missing children that are enslaved for the purpose of being tortured and having their adrenochrome repeatedly harvested until they are murdered when they are no longer useful slaves.

Click To View Search Recommendations Autocompletes "Chidlren" To "Chidlren Adrenochrome"
Click To View Search Recommendations Autocompletes "Chidlren" To "Chidlren Adrenochrome"

Cheddar Pringles cans at one point in time also had an alphanumeric code on the bottom of the can that when searched on redirects to adrenochrome listings as seen in the following video. The pedophiliac corporations intentionally use cheese and pizza themed items (in relation to PizzaGate) like this to help their blood drinking Luciferian clientele easily find sources of adrenochrome.

There is even a Shanxi, China based company "Xi'an Geekee Biotech Co., Ltd." or "Xi'an Juke Biological Technology Co., Ltd." openly selling "Chidlren Harvested Epinephrine Adrenochrome" as seen below on as recent as March 27, 2021.

Click To View "Chidlren" Search Returns Chidlren Harvested Epinephrine Adrenochrome
Click To View "Chidlren" Search Returns Chidlren Harvested Epinephrine Adrenochrome
25MG Adrenochrome Bottle
25MG Adrenochrome Bottle
Adrenalized American Kid Meat
Adrenalized American Kid Meat
Click To View: Adrenochrome Harvesting Equipment
Click To View: Adrenochrome Harvesting Equipment

The reason Hollywood boycotted and blacklisted Mel Gibson so hard since 2006 is because he has openly come out as a truth speaking patriot on many occasions. This has earned him the highly sought after truther labels used by globalist funded fact-checkers/shills, "Anti-Semite" and "Anti-Semitic." This terminology was invented by the Ashkenazi Khazarian fake Jewish bloodline to discredit and disregard anyone who exposes their Luciferian pedophiliac NWO agenda and history. The following quotes are Mel Gibson's most notable Hollywood exposing statements:

Mel Gibson: Hollywood Is A Den Of Parasites Who Feast On The Blood Of Kids
Mel Gibson: Hollywood Is A Den Of Parasites Who Feast On The Blood Of Kids
Elites Involved With Adrenochrome Can Sometimes Be Seen Wearing A Red "Blood" Onyx Ring
Elites Involved With Adrenochrome Can Sometimes Be Seen Wearing A Red "Blood" Onyx Ring

The red shoes worn by members of the Red Shoe Club are often made from the human flesh of murdered and sacrificed children, for example Jesuit Pope Pius VII's Papal shoes. These red shoes are worn during Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) ceremonies, so when blood falls on their shoes it blends in and does not expose them. The shoes are also symbolic of adrenochrome, cannibalism and blood dripping down the body of tortured children just before falling off their feet.

The Red Shoe Club
The Red Shoe Club

The Freemasonic Jesuit Cabal has even instilled the symbolism of harvesting adrenochrome and loosh (negative spiritual energy) throughout children's movies, like Monsters, Inc. for example. In the movie we see various types of "monsters" which in realty are actually variations of the overlord reptilian and archon species. To put it plainly, the reptilian species require either stem cell rich blood or adrenochrome (especially in Vril Lizard Reptilian parasite cases) and the archons require our negative low vibrational spiritual energies as their preferential source of energy consumption. Notice in the movie the "scream" cannisters fill up red which is symbolic of adrenochrome and the scream harvesting is symbolic of low vibrational spiritual energies being harvested. In addition, the movie logo itself represents the "all-seeing eye" or "third eye" or "pineal gland" or "Eye of Ra" which is where the adrenochrome is harvested from, after torturing the children and where the soul is believed to sit until a certain level of vibrational ascension.

Monsters Inc. Depicts Children Used For Harvesting Adrenochrome & Loosh
Monsters Inc. Depicts Children Used For Harvesting Adrenochrome & Loosh

The following graphics demonstrate some examples of cannibalism or human meat for sale featuring Cannibal Club, Human Farming Project and Human Meat Project:

Cannibal Club & Human Farming Project
Cannibal Club & Human Farming Project
Human Meat For Sale
Human Meat For Sale

The Human Meat Project website about page explains they are a human meat donation program endorsing cannibalism to solve overpopulation. They claim overpopulation causes "climate change" and the greenhouse effect due to the mass farming of livestock animals in order to feed the masses. Even though their terms and conditions page claims the entire website is merely a conceptual art project, is it really considering they are blatantly promoting cannibalism which just ain't right.

Click To View: Human Meat Project Donor Page
Click To View: Human Meat Project Donor Page

The following graphics demonstrate some examples of what CCP or Planned Parenthood affiliated fetus organ harvesting and trafficking would look like. This is the modern day epitome of ritual Baal/Moloch child sacrifice, in addition to being turned into a for profit business as revealed by the unsealing of Planned Parenthood Federation of America et al. vs. The Center for Medical Progress et al., 3:16-CV-00236. As of December 9, 2017 the lawsuit concluded that Planned Parenthood affiliated fetus organ harvesting and trafficking company DaVinci Biosciences LLC/DV Biologics LLC were found guilty by Orange County, Santa Ana, California District Attorney Todd Spitzer and sentenced to pay a $7.8 million settlement, which was the seizure of their profits. The Center for Medical Progress released the entire full length unedited footage of related depositions, undercover meetings, site visits and testimonies with Planned Parenthood associates:

Planned Parenthood Fetus Organ Harvesting & Trafficking
Planned Parenthood Fetus Organ Harvesting & Trafficking
Fetus Organ Harvesting & Trafficking
Fetus Organ Harvesting & Trafficking
Fetus Organ Harvesting & Trafficking
Fetus Organ Harvesting & Trafficking

In the following clip we can observe doctors playing with two aborted fetuses at an abortion clinic as if they were mere play dolls. The quality is not the best as this is a highly censored video clip across the internet. Incisions can be observed on the back of the fetuses for the extraction of stem cells and organ harvesting, for example used to produce HEK293 (Human Embryonic Kidney fetal cells) to trick humanity into cannibalism.

Human Embryonic Kidney Fetal Cells (HEK293)
Human Embryonic Kidney Fetal Cells (HEK293)

The following satanic ritual agendas (calendars) demonstrate exactly what and when these adrenochrome cannibal junkie Satanists will be practicing their sacrificial rituals. The first example is from page 114 of "Worldwide Evil And Misery: The Legacy Of The 13 Satanic Bloodlines" which is a book By Robin De Ruiter. The book also discusses Depopulation, Freemasonry, Hitler being a Rothschild that helped establish Israel, Illuminati, One world government/religion, weather control and Zionism.

Satanic Ritual Agenda From Worldwide Evil And Misery The Legacy Of The 13 Satanic Bloodlines Book By Robin De Ruiter
Satanic Ritual Agenda From Worldwide Evil And Misery The Legacy Of The 13 Satanic Bloodlines Book By Robin De Ruiter
Satanic Ritual Agenda
Satanic Ritual Agenda
Click To View: Satanic Ritual Calendar For Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)
Click To View: Satanic Ritual Calendar For Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)
Aborted Baby Being Sacrificed
Aborted Baby Being Sacrificed

Lolita sex doll slave toys are made from trafficked prepubescent girls for the purpose of sadistic pleasure such as Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA). The girls are put through extreme torture grooming including being stitched up, blinding by lasers, continual rape, ear deafening, electrocution, hot wax burning, limb amputation, teeth removal and vocal cords removal. This immobilization and sensory deprivation process makes the girls mentally and physically submissive to their owners while preventing them from ever being able to get help or run away.

 Lolita Sex Doll Slave Toy
Lolita Sex Doll Slave Toy

Panda eyes or raccoon eyes are Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) pedophile codes/signifiers of child sodomy. Due to the blunt force trauma during sodomization or rectal torture the eyes can severely bruise and swell up with black circles (periorbital ecchymosis/hematoma) creating the "panda eyes" effect.

Panda Eyes Caused By Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)
Panda Eyes Caused By Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)
Click To View: Wikileaks Email "Honduras: Maybe, Maybe"
Click To View: Wikileaks Email "Honduras: Maybe, Maybe"

In the following example we have Hillary Clinton refer to a bottle of hot sauce she carries around everywhere with her in her purse and then the Masonic talk show hosts shill for her to make a mockery of the whole situation.

In plain sight the Simpsons even discuss the blood of a young boy as being responsible for getting Mr. burns "back in the pink."

One of the most notable mainstream movie clips showcasing adrenochrome comes from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998) as follows:

On June 28, 2020 Turkish National TGRT Haber channel aired an informative adrenochrome segment featuring Sandra Bullock on the Ellen DeGeneres show. Behind the news anchor displayed images of the Black Eye Club (caused by Vril Reptilian droning soul scalping) and a child with Panda Eyes (caused by forced sodomy, severe trauma and SRA). The following clip is the English translation of the segment:

On March 9, 2023 on the popular French TV show "Touche Pas à Mon Poste" (TPMP), Gérard Fauré a.k.a. “the ex-dealer of Paris" appeared on the show to discuss the car accident of comedian Pierre Palmade which involved trafficked escort boys. Fauré explained that many celebrities consume adrenochrome on a regular basis and named Celine Dion as a prime example, stating that her mysterious degenerative illness was due to withdrawals from her abusive consumption of adrenochrome.

Click To Shop Now
Click To Shop Now






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