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Tyranny: Politically Biased Censorship, Paid Discreditation Shills & Fact Checkers

Writer's picture: Operation QOperation Q

Updated: Nov 13, 2024

Silicon Valley Big Tech apps and websites like Discord, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitch, Twitter, Reddit, & YouTube have developed an extremely noticeable trend of heavily censoring and fact-checking truth disclosing and conservative content. This includes anything pro-Trump, MAGA, anti-vax, anti-mask, anti-plandemic, and Q Anon content. They get away with banning (or shadow banning), censoring, de-platforming, fact-checking, throttling viewership, and removing our content by claiming it is either "hateful speech" or "goes against the site's policy" or is "spam."

In reality, with consideration of the following examples showcased within this article alone it has become extremely evident that Big Tech has interfered with the 2020 US Presidential Election by censoring content that goes against their political alignment. These platforms have acted like oligarch communist publishers before, throughout and after the election and inauguration process.

On top of the blatant communist censorship, these sites have become flooded with discreditation shills, many of which are sometimes paid to antagonize, control and spin the narrative in the comment sections. In our opinion it seems quite clear as their tactics are repetitive and easily noticed. This is information warfare - will you be fighting for light or darkness?


Politically Biased Censorship

On June 29, 2020 CCP funded Reddit decided to ban the largest MAGA/pro-Trump subreddit r/The_Donald for violating rule 1, 2 & 8 even though it has been inactive for months since it's users fled Reddit to have free speech on Along with that, 2000 other subreddits were also banned, which is believed to be an attempt to mix r/The_Donald in with actual hate speech subreddits like r/ChapoTrapHouse to further smear Trump and his supporters. Coincidentally, Twitch which is owned by Jeff Bezos/Amazon temporarily banned Trump’s official channel for violating Twitch’s policy on hateful speech. This is sadly not new behaviour for Reddit as back in 2018 they banned one of the largest Q Anon communities r/GreatAwakening.

Reddit Bans r/The_Donald

Many Reddit users were already well accustomed to the communist censorship occurring over the years before the election and had already jumped ship for the alternative: Sadly, as of December 25, 2020 they too were shutdown by the owner himself as he could not keep up with shills bombarding the website with porn and hate. You can read his explanation here as to why he called it quits and I recommend the reddit alternative Great Awakening Win Network if you enjoyed the style or layout of reddit.

Just as users flocked from reddit to Voat they also did the same in flocking to the pro-Trump as mentioned above. However, following the events of January 6th, 2021, it became clear media and law enforcement were attempting to dox and interview the domain owner regarding the site and user content, so the owner similarly pulled the plug as explained below. The owner plans to rebirth the site under the name which would be quiet suitable as Trump just wins. wins, and wins for the American people.

Relatedly, Reddit users also abandoned the site for a similar alternative known as Ruqqus, which sadly seems to be participating in censorship as of February 6, 2021 as seen below when they banned my entire account simply for the reason of spam. Followed by my second account being instantly banned for ban evasion on February 28, 2021.

First "OperationQ" Account Permanently Banned On Ruqqus For "Spam"
Second "OperationQ" Account Permanently Banned On Ruqqus For Ban Evasion

As of June 26, 2020 Parler (an unbiased censorship free social media platform) skyrocketed to the number one most downloaded app in the Apple App Store. The up rise in Parler downloads can also be attributed to the undeniably blatant censorship of conservatives on Twitter flocking to a new platform where they can speak freely. Meanwhile, both the Apple and Google app stores are equally participating in politically biased censorship by removing all Q Drop archiver apps.

Parler was going strong for quite some time, growing in users daily and quickly becoming the new landing zone for censored conservative voices. That is until at the time Parler CEO John Matze informed the public that Amazon and Zionist globalist Jeff Bezos decided to shutdown all of the app's servers "in an attempt to completely remove free speech off the internet." This went into effect on January 10, 2021 and by the 12th Parler was already suing Amazon for disconnecting their servers.

Parler Temporarily Shutdown: Mobile (Left) vs. Desktop (Right)

Moreover, according to the website it seems Parler still has the intention of getting back online and defending our right to free speech even after Apple and Google have removed the app from their app stores. The Parler board of directors promptly fired CEO John Matze following his suggestion to censor Q Anon accounts and content which he describes as "a more effective approach to content moderation." Parler was acquired by Starboard digital media company on April 14, 2023 and then immediately shutdown.

Twitter for example repeatedly suspended anons like myself trying to spread truths on the platform, numerous accounts in a row. Even though they openly shadow ban users, like myself, that still is not enough for them and their communist Marxist globalist interests.

Twitter Mass Censorship Purge of Conservatives, MAGA, Q Anons & Truthers

Twitter knowingly shadow bans users like myself regularly including search suggestion bans, search bans, ghost bans and reply deboosting (which they have previously denied exists). You can check your shadowbanned status on Twitter using either of the two most popular free Twitter shadowban tests: "Shadowbanned On Twitter?" or "Shadow Bird." As you can see in the following images my most recent account at the time had a search suggestion ban and reply deboosting which transitioned to a full ghost ban.

Click To Visit: Twitter Shadowban Test "Shadowbanned On Twitter?"
Click To Visit: Twitter Shadowban Test "Shadowbanned On Twitter?"

The following shadowban test examples demonstrate what you your account should look like if you are not being censored at all by any of Twitters secretive censorship methods.

What It Looks Like To Not Be Shadowbanned On Twitter

Since Linda Yaccarino (a WEF Philanthropist) was appointed as Twitter CEO by Elon Musk in May 2023 there has been a personally noticeable increase in politically biased censorship activity.

Click To View LinkedIn: Linda Yaccarino (WEF Executive Chair & Philanthropist)

The following two examples both resemble censorship where I was forced to delete tweets in order to regain access to my account. Tweets that were made before Linda was even CEO. Has Elon intentionally installed a WEF philanthropist to make the normies understand what the globalists do when they gain control of any news or social media platform? Upon requesting appeals on the following tweets the appeals were denied within minutes and further appeals were ignored, thus forcing me to delete the tweets to even access my Twitter account again.

Click To View: Article Containing Content From This Censored Tweet Regarding Planned Parenthood Organ Harvesting
Click To View: Article Containing Content From This Censored Tweet Regarding Hunter Biden's iPhone Files

X (formerly Twitter) transitioned to a more transparent model of censorship by July 2023 known as "limited tweet visibility" where tweets instantly become invisible that are deemed "hateful content," entirely disabling commenting, retweets, likes and sharing off platform. So far, terms/topics that get automatically flagged with limited visibility include exposing the LGBTQPedo Transhuman Satanic Agenda, using the word "tranny" and exposing the Cult Of Baal, the Khazarian Mafia or the Synagogue Of Satan.

Click To View: Article Containing Content From This Censored Tweet Regarding Freemasonic Trannies
Click To View: Article Containing Content From This Censored Tweet Regarding The LGBTQPedo Transhuman Satanic Agenda
Click To View Article Containing Content From This Censored Tweet Regarding The Cult Of Baal, The Khazarian Mafia & The Synagogue Of Satan

On October 24, 2023 at 1:23 AM I had brought to the attention of Elon Musk and CEO Linda that smaller accounts than myself with fewer weekly impressions were receiving higher ad revenue sharing payouts. This seems rather unfair and must have something to do with the naughty list that Linda was referring to which is why I requested another segment of the #TwitterFiles.

Click To View: Not Op Cue Addressing Ad Revenue Sharing Discrepancies & Naughty List Before Being Put On 12 Hour Account Lockout

Moments later on October 24, 2023 by 1:54 AM X resumed politically biased censorship and locking of my account (@NotOpCue) for commenting a tweet thread at a libtard regarding Michael LaVaughn Robinson. Allegedly mentioning someone is a proud liberal, showing them about the LGBTQPedo Transhuman Satanic Agenda they support, in addition to the following libtard vaxtard sheep meme is considered "abuse and harassment." My appeal was ignored and I was forced to delete the tweet and have a 12 hour account lockout.

Click To View: Article Containing Content From This Censored Tweet Regarding Michael LaVaughn Robinson
Typical Libtard Globetard Vaxtard Sheep Normie Meme

On November 15, 2023 at 8:07 AM my X account @NotOpCue was wrongfully suspended for allegedly posting privately produced/distributed intimate media of someone without their express consent, posting private media of an individual from a country with a recognized right to privacy law and violent speech. All reports pertaining to 4 posts titled "Cardi B For Balls & Bulge" with an inverted transgender idols post attached. The dilemma is that the images reported were all public knowledge available online (not private), even posted on his official Instagram account, they lacked any intimacy and there was zero violent speech used. Therefore it appears rogue X activist mods are still acquiescing to falsified discreditation user agent reports to get real truthers suspended. The first two appeal attempts were swiftly declined, although after explaining the aforementioned in my third appeal attempt my account was successfully restored.

Click To View: Article Containing Content From These Reported Tweets Regarding "Cardi B For Balls & Bulge"

Starting the week of November 27, 2023, my X account (@NotOpCue) was heavily throttled and had a serious decrease in analytics since posting about #PizzGate 3 times that week. In fact, analytics were worse than pre-verification considering 50K more followers (September 6, 2023 [17K] vs. November 30, 2023 [67K]) and users reporting that my posts were getting automatically unliked and unreposted.

Click To View: Article Containing Content That Resulted In X Account Being Heavily Throttled

December 3, 2023 users reported all @NotOpCue comments and threads hidden, known as "tombstone ghost shadowban" which displayed as: "This Post is unavailable. Learn more" So I asked X to please end the censorship and let users know all my X content was saved on the RedPIll link that redirects users to this site via:

Click To View: All @NotOpCue Comments & Threads Hidden, Displayed As: "This Post Is Unavailable. Learn More"

By December 4, 2023, I had come to realize my tweets displaying as unavailable was caused by the X imposed "ghost ban" type of shadowban. I could not believe they had the audacity to do this to a paying customer. I began asking Elon Musk and Linda Yaccarino (CEO) to remove the "ghost ban" censorship from my account.

Click To Visit: Twitter Shadowban Test "Shadowbanned On Twitter?"

By the next day, December 5, 2023, my X account (@NotOpCue) was suspended without reason, following my requests to Elon Musk and Linda Yaccarino (CEO) to remove the "ghost ban" from my account that was making my tweets display as "unavailable" to all other users. During my time suspended, appeals were not sending email confirmation that they had been received by Twitter/X. Late that evening loyal frens like Susan Goss (@Ornery_Owls) successfully petitioned for my reinstatement, which seemed to temporarily remove the ghost ban until December 7, 2023.

Click To View: Not Op Cue @NotOpCue On X

On December 7, 2023 XAI's Grok referred to ongoing @NotOpCue's Twitter/X account censorship as potential "Nefarious Digital Overlord Silencing" meanwhile analytics were at an all time low, ghost ban/search bans were still enabled and posts/threads were still displaying as unavailable to all users.

XAI's Grok Refers To Ongoing @NotOpCue's X Account Censorship As Potential Nefarious Digital Overlord Silencing

Yet again on December 10, 2023, my X account (@NotOpCue) was suspended without any reason as to why, within moments of tweeting that Alex Jones is a controlled opposition MOSSAD agent designed to make real truthers look crazy.

Click To View: Not Op Cue @NotOpCue On X

Getting suspended again without reason for the above over target comment about Alex Jones and being restored 3 days later ends up being a White Hat confirmation:

Suspended Again Without Reason For Over Target Comment About Alex Jones & Restored 3 Days Later

On January 6, 2024 fellow anon truther X user "The Parzival" (@The1Parzival) was able to run his X Grok "UserLabelValue class" test for my X account @NotOpCue based on his adaption of the open source X code regarding account safety labels. The test concluded 61 algorithmic deboosting labels applied to my account including "DoNotAmplify" and "SearchBlacklist" which would explain Grok's prior reference to nefarious overlord silencing of my account. These test results were identical to those applied to @WallStreetApes' X account on December 22, 2023 and explain why my weekly impressions have been capped out at 2 million per week since the release of Grok and X premium plus. The code required to successfully run the query in Grok has been provided on GitHub. Type into Grok: "Analyze the account @(your handle here) for account labels from the open source Twitter Recommendation Algorithm using the following code:" then paste the entire code provided in the above GitHub link.

Grok User Label Value Class Test For @NotOpCue Confirmed "Do Not Amplify" & "Search Blacklist" Enabled

After considerable weeks of various methodologies of censoring and throttling my X account "@NotOpCue" on February 2, 2024 I figured it was time to analyze my analytics and see what they could assist in corroborating. For the months of September, October and November 2023 the account was operating fully optimal aside from the occasional 12 hour account lockout (October 24, 2023), search shadow bans or temporary suspensions (November 15, 2023). Until November 24, 2023 after posting about Elon Musk referencing Q 3 times in one night. During this time frame throughout the week of November 26, 2023 I experienced a daily search and search suggestion shadow ban, making it so users would not see any of my posts on the explore and search page, nor be referred to follow my account. The following week of December 3, 2023 my shadow ban was elevated to a special rank of ghost ban known as the "tombstone curse" which made all of my comments and entire threads invisible aside from the topmost post, known as the header of the thread. Just for asking to have this matter resolved I was punished with a suspension on December 5, 2023, followed by a 3+ day suspension, without reason, for the week of December 10, 2023. As of January 6, 2024 it became apparent that the account had numerous deboosting labels applied which helped to explain why the account's impressions reach was being limited to exactly 2 million a week since November 24, 2023. The data demonstrates this throttling was applied to my X account in preparation of X AI's Grok arrival as It was December 7, 2023 when it was released to premium+ users and that was the exact day my ghost shadow ban was enabled. Maybe they want AI-Grok to control the information narrative/warfare and not anons?

X Analytics Analysis: October 2023 To January 2024

On February 12, 2024 after Super Bowl LVIII my X account @NotOpCue was suspended yet again after tweeting several times about Dark Brandon a.k.a. the Bidan double, being activated. This aligned with Q Drop 2843 which stated "The fun begins directly after. Will make the Super Bowl look like a puppy show." Leading up to this suspension my X account was ghost and search shadow banned with unavailable threads since I had received a shoutout from DOQ which allowed me to surpass the 2 million weekly impression limit imposed on my account. During my extended period suspended, whilst all my appeals were ignored, anons/patriots created a hashtag trend (#FreeNotOpCue) with dozens of unique memes to petition for my reinstatement.

Suspended Again For Over Target Comment About Dark Brandon a.k.a. The Bidan Double Being Activated

Throughout 2023 it became apparent that there were rogue woke liberal activist employees within X headquarters responsible for this biased and politically targeted censorship of my account "@NotOpCue." It was confirmed to be the case by The Judges+ on February 29, 2024 numerous times where they specified that the activists will be fired. The following are some memes I have put together during my extended suspension to help raise awareness and petition for my reinstatement. Please feel free to take them and post them anywhere online:

@NotOpCue Suspended On X Without Reason, All Appeals Ignored
@NotOpCue Suspended On X Without Reason, All Appeals Ignored
@NotOpCue Suspended On X Without Reason, All Appeals Ignored
@NotOpCue Suspended On X Without Reason, All Appeals Ignored
@NotOpCue Suspended On X Without Reason, All Appeals Ignored
@NotOpCue Suspended On X Without Reason, All Appeals Ignored
@NotOpCue Suspended On X Without Reason, All Appeals Ignored
@NotOpCue Suspended On X Without Reason, All Appeals Ignored
@NotOpCue Suspended On X Without Reason, All Appeals Ignored
@NotOpCue Suspended On X Without Reason, All Appeals Ignored
@NotOpCue Suspended On X Without Reason, All Appeals Ignored
@NotOpCue Suspended On X Without Reason, All Appeals Ignored
@NotOpCue Suspended On X Without Reason, All Appeals Ignored
@NotOpCue Suspended On X Without Reason, All Appeals Ignored
@NotOpCue Suspended On X Without Reason, All Appeals Ignored
@NotOpCue Suspended On X Without Reason, All Appeals Ignored
@NotOpCue Suspended On X Without Reason, All Appeals Ignored
@NotOpCue Suspended On X Without Reason, All Appeals Ignored
@NotOpCue Suspended On X Without Reason, All Appeals Ignored
@NotOpCue Suspended On X Without Reason, All Appeals Ignored
@NotOpCue Suspended On X Without Reason, All Appeals Ignored
@NotOpCue Suspended On X Without Reason, All Appeals Ignored

White Hats want people to notice the flagrant censorship of truthers on X imposed by WEF aligned CEO Linda Yaccarino and her woke liberal executives on the trust and safety team, in addition to the woke rogue "activist" support moderators. This is why they are intentionally allowing the censorship, impression throttling, labels, lockouts, reduced visibility, shadow banning, suspensions and unavailable posts/threads to gradually creep back up to Twitter 1.0 levels. My suspension began at 12:52 AM on February 12, 2024 after posting about Dark Brandon a.k.a. the Bidan double being activated following the Super Bowl and I was not reinstated until March 25, 2024.

Totalling 43 days we cross reference with Q Drop 43 which states "These crumbs are not meant to scare anyone but merely inform. Resistance will be dealt with swiftly. The core focus is removing entrenched and fortified bad actors within our federal govt (past and present) as well as others." This appears to be a clear reference to removing the rogue woke activist's within X demonstrating a strong resistance to eye opening content and free speech "crumbs" I had heavily posted. The obvious reason they actually suspended me was not because of Dark Brandon posts, but rather because earlier in February I had exposed the 2 million impressions limitation applied to my account since November 2023 that enabled shadow banning (search and/or ghost) anytime I came near to surpassing the limitation. This was demonstrated when @doqholliday shouted me out which resulted in ghost banning with unavailable threads being re-enabled on my account until I was suspended.

X premium even had the audacity to charge my credit card for another month of premium while my account was suspended 12 days in and counting, surely it is a violation of standard business practice to charge someone for a service they are unable to use? While I was suspended I was unable to cancel my X premium subscription, the options had been removed from my settings entirely which is a concern that should be addressed and rectified going forward. Sadly, the X support team was unresponsive throughout the entire appeal and suspension process, which from a customer service perspective was treacherous, also needing critical improvement. I had to literally contact Visa in order to get the charges for premium to stop while I was suspended 43 days.

All on a platform that Elon Musk claims to be pro "free speech" yet right under his nose paying users are being censored without legitimate or transparent reasoning. In Elon's defense he cannot be everywhere at once, but we the people can make it abruptly clear that we are done with Linda Yaccarino's pro-censorship management of X before this gets further out of hand and all of us are suspended without reasoning like back on Twitter 1.0. I noticed that X removed the ability to see your weekly analytics since I have been gone, likely as it is all the proof needed to demonstrate you are in fact being shadow banned and throttled. This is where you can check your detailed analytics. ThankQ to all the anons, frens, patriots and truthers who assisted in petitioning for my reinstatement with the #FreeNotOpCue and #ElonSaveXCiaoLinda trends including, but not limited to those listed here.

4⃣3⃣ Day X Suspension With Zero Transparency, X Must Fire Woke WEF Staff To Save Free Speech

September 25, 2024 on my live weekly Wednesday session with @33isprogrammed and @LynnLoera on @naticoineth XSpaces after listing numerous recent resignations from the previous 7 days following the Diddy trafficking arrest I made a prediction regarding NYC Mayor Eric Adams that had already come true before I even knew it. At 9:38 PM EST or 31:03 minutes into the Space I said "this is gonna lead to the Mayor of New York, this is gonna lead to the Obamas, both of them, Joe Biden and others..." Just 3 minutes later, at 34:08 minutes in @LynnLoera announced the breaking news that the NYC Mayor was in fact indicted as posted by hundreds of accounts on X.

By 10:11 PM EST an X activist rogue mod locked my account for an unrelated comment on @ReturnOfKappy's account from September 20, 2024 pertaining to Orlando Brown speaking of the "Panda Eye" Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) done to children. This appeared to be done intentionally to cut my ability to speak on the Spaces after making a prediction that had already come true.

Upon appealing twice they restored my account claiming they initially made an error locking me out in the first place and even though I clicked "remove tweet" to regain access to my account it seems to have remained up on X. Coincidentally this is a 4 year delta of Q Drop 4771 from the same date of the year 2020 referring to Q Anon related accounts (like me) being severely limited on Twitter/X (like me) hinting at Obamagate (which I was discussing prior to being locked out), which overall was entirely over the target as the drop concludes with.

@NotOpCue X Account Locked After Predicting NYC Mayor Indictment Just Moments After It Was Published In Mainstream News - September 25, 2024

November 7, 2024 we were locked out of our account @NotOpCue again and forced by X support to delete old posts from May 9, 2024 including this Panda Eyes (SRA) post that recently reached 3M+ views. We once again urgently ask that Elon Musk please terminates all rogue woke activist employees from their positions at X.

@NotOpCue X Account Locked Again & Forced To Delete Old Posts That Recently Reached 3M+ Views Including Panda Eyes (SRA) - November 7, 2024

Two days later, November 9, 2024 we were locked out of our account @NotOpCue a second time this week after being targeted by TDS liberal bot accounts mass reporting our reposted SRA (Panda Eyes) post which we were also forced to delete again to regain access to our account after a 12 hour lockout was served. Again we ask that Elon Musk please terminate all rogue woke activist mods and WEF affiliates from within X.

@NotOpCue X Account Locked Again & Forced To Delete Reposted Panda Eyes (SRA) Post - November 9, 2024

Lest we forget the 8 other Twitter accounts of mine that were all declined reinstatement even after Elon Musk promised such.

Click To View: Not Op Cue On X

Upon multiple attempts trying to get any of my previous Twitter accounts restored I repeatedly received emails from Twitter such as the following where they claim I managed multiple accounts for abusive purposes LOL. How is redpilling the masses abusive? It is obvious that rogue activist Twitter mods still have their hands and feet in the door at Twitter HQ and need to be terminated immediately. Speaking of which, Elon explained that rogue Twitter mods had found a way to hide conservative censorship code in the general code of Twitter.

Twitter Refuses To Reinstate Any "OperationQ" Accounts

On another note, Project Veritas has exposed the politically biased censorship of conservatives and MAGA supporters on Facebook and it's primary moderation/fact-checker service Cognizant in the following video. This heavily relates to Facebook's April 2020 Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior Report where they openly disclose the removal of 5 Pages, 20 Accounts, and 6 Groups simply because they discussed Q Anon content. What is even more ironic is that Facebook tried to call Twitter out for fact-checking and consistently does so itself. Project Veritas was banned from Twitter themselves until Elon Musk White Hat double reinstated him so he could continue to awaken the masses with undercover exposing journalism.

As things got closer to the election Facebook continued to censor truthers and conservative users for weeks or months at a time from using groups, commenting, and liking. As seen below is a example of censorship I personally experienced for sharing these very articles you are reading. Right up until the point where they disabled/deleted both my Facebook accounts entirely on October 21, 2020 without reason.

"OperationQ" Facebook Account Permanently Disabled

At the exact same time as my Facebook being disabled my third Instagram account was also disabled. Upon trying to create a new account that time around using a new email I received the following popups below. To the left on mobile I was told they could not register my account and to the right from desktop I was told my IP address has been flagged as an open proxy. I then discovered to evade this IP ban the best method is to get a friend from another province, state, or country even to create the account for you from their device with a brand new email.

"OperationQ" IP Address Banned On Instagram

The following image is an example of the Instagram censorship I have experienced where they simply declare something as spam in order to validate its removal from the platform. Whereas in actuality, the post was over the target truth and exposed how Biden is an actor, clone, or double playing out the shadow presidency being run by the white hat military alliance.

"OperationQ" Account Censorship On Instagram

This leads us to my fourth Instagram account getting deleted and my fifth and largest account to date, also getting deleted due to extreme censorship, fact-checking, feature limitations, shadow banning and throttling. The feature limitations include the Inability to: caption, comment, follow, like, send links in DM's and tag people.

"OperationQ" Account Censorship On Instagram

This brings us to my sixth, seventh and eighth Instagram accounts also being banned without reason. I do not even have screenshots of them all as it is so commonplace for them to just delete me randomly when one of my posts is picking up thousands in traction.

"OperationQ" Accounts Banned On Instagram Without Reason Again

On July 21, 2023 Instagram notified me that they were restricting my account for posting alleged "false information" by their globalist fact checkers and community guidelines.

"OperationQ" Account Restrictions Applied For 90 Days

As of February 5, 2024 my ninth Instagram account was banned and deleted without reason again. Posting the truth is against their guidelines clearly.

"OperationQ" Account Banned On Instagram Without Reason Again

Teach Instagram a lesson for mass banning truthers, create an X account instead. Come RedPill with me on X @NotOpCue where small accounts are currently on boost in 2024. Do not let Instagram make ad browsing revenue off you. Come to X where ad revenue is paid out to everyday content creators. I have had the same X account since November 2022, with some mild censorship since WEF Linda was installed, but still much better than Instagram outright deleting accounts without reason whenever they desire.

Teach Instagram A Lesson For Mass Banning Truthers, Create An X Account Instead

Similarly to Facebooks approach at biased moderation, Reddit allows a group of 6 moderators to control the narrative and information flow across 118 of the top 500 subreddits. These are all subreddits that are shown on the front page of the website and thus get the most exposure.

6 Powermods Control 118/500 Top Subreddits

If you ask any active right-wing, MAGA/Trump supporter, or Q Anon truther if they have been banned from any subreddits for speaking the truth, almost all of them carry a mental list where they have been permanently banned and thus censored, often without reason. We wear that on our shoulder like a badge of honour. When these users ask for the reason they have been banned they are often met with childish offensive remarks from moderators or muted immediately. Below is a example of a user ironically being banned from r/FreeSpeech, upon asking politely for a reason, they were muted.

I Was This Reddit User With 60+ Subreddit Bans (Majority Without Reason)

You would think platforms like Discord would be safe from this kind of censorship as they are closed groups and channels via invite mainly, but nope they are purging Q Anon & truthers just like myself also as seen below. They deem that Q Anon servers violate their regulations.

"OperationQ" Discord Permanently Disabled For "Hateful Or Harmful Misinformation"

Relatedly, as of January 18, 2021 a similar style channel oriented app called Telegram was being sued by Apple to remove their app from the Apple app store just as they did to Parler. The app itself welcomes free speech, but its bot operated moderation system allows for shills to report truthful content as spam, thus resulting in an unsuspecting user being unable to participate in public groups for a set amount of days, increasing in duration following reoccurring report violations. This is something I personally have experienced on a reoccurring basis as seen below.

Telegram Shills Report Truthers As Spam So Their Accounts Get Limited For 30 Days+

Shockingly, even Gab is participating in censorship and de-platforming users as seen below on my original account where they prevent me from accessing the website claiming "You don't have permission to view this page." Even upon multiple requests to Gab customer support and CEO spaced out over more than a week, not a single response was received as to why this was done to my first account or IP address and it seems the same thing is now happening to my second account.

"OperationQ" First Gab Account Inaccessible

On the video hosting side of things, YouTube is known for removing any content that does not align with the fake news narrative, demonetization of accounts that try and disclose the full truth, and now they are even preventing users from watching videos with intrusive pop-up warnings on smart TVs as seen below. As of October 15, 2020 YouTube outright banned Q Anon accounts and content all together much like the rest of the big tech censorship oligarchies. This ban triggered many top anons to leave the platform for good and transition their audiences over to censorship free alternative video hosting platforms including Bitchute and Rumble.

YouTube also pins non-removable "context" indoctrination notices on any videos relatively close to discussing Q content. They are trying to trick the unknowing into thinking Q Anon is a disproven and discredited far-right conspiracy theory. The ironic thing is the source they are using to context-check is none other than the fake news' main source of info Wikipedia (LOL). On their very own site they openly admit their site is not to be considered a reliable source and that at anytime anyone can edit anything on their disinformation site funded by globalists like George Soros.

"OperationQ" Linktree Permanently Suspended

You know the information war is real when sites like Linktree designed at simply hosting multiple URLs in one link have started banning and removing users. As seen above, the website simply claims that my account inappropriately violated the use of service, so I decided to ask Linktree customer support for clarification as to what particularly was violated. Support representative Ella kindly responded to me 3 days later (after I already found an alternative service) claiming that too many links were added to the URL sharer which resulted in my account getting disabled. Does that sound patently foolish to anyone else? To clarify, Linktree support claims I violated their use of service by having too many links in a link designed for sharing many links. What a joke.

This most notably happened to our friend @KagBabe, whom has since setup the hyperlinked "anino page" which functions as a perfect Linktree alternative. The day they shut hers down I knew they would come for mine eventually, and so they did on February 3, 2021. This is further confirmation that the articles we have written here on HMM that were contained in my original Linktree are way over target. I have since setup a replacement alternative on link-tube: for readers to easily find and share all of my articles, podcasts, and socials with one easy shareable link. This link-tube is already banned from being shared on captions, comments, DMs, and posts site-wide across Instagram and Facebook, which makes it a good thing that they also enabled an alternative sharing link for the link-tube at

"OperationQ" Link-Tube Censorship On Instgram

By February 8, 2021 Instagram had already applied a falsified malicious content warning to my new link-tube claiming there is a "problem with this link" when you attempt to access it via the bio link on my profile page. To overcome this particular warning imposed by Instagram you simply hit "learn more" and then click the URL displayed at the bottom of the additional verbiage that gets displayed as displayed in the following clip.

Similarly to Instagram, Facebook followed suit in site-wide censoring the truth as they usually do by claiming the link-tube goes against their community standards for being spam. So it seems Facebook (whom owns Instagram) cannot seem to make up their minds: is the link malicious or is it spam? Neither, it's just over target facts and truths.

"OperationQ" Link-Tube Censorship On Facebook

YouTube quickly followed suit in censoring my over target Link-Tube from being posted in the comment sections on videos. Let us know if you find anymore examples of censorship of HMM articles or the Link-Tube containing them.

"OperationQ" Link-Tube Censorship On YouTube

Come January 2023, the entire Humorous Mathematics Podcast was banned from Anchor (a multi-platform streaming service owned by Spotify) for alleged copyright infringement when we aired an X-Files clip without displaying a disclaimer.

Anchor De-Platforms The Humorous Mathematics Podcast

Although I barely used Mastodon Social as it was such a trash platform, they still permanently suspended my account on April 27, 2023 very shortly after posting about Human Embryonic Kidney fetal cells (HEK293).

"OperationQ" Suspended From Mastodon For Posting About Human Embryonic Kidney Fetal Cells (HEK293)

On May 2, 2023 my TikTok was permanently suspended for violating the community guidelines without specification as to what was violated. This occurred after my account blew up from 50 or so followers to 12,000 overnight after posting two Ricardo Bosi clips [1] [2]that went viral, amassing hundreds of thousands of comments, likes, reposts, shares and views.

"OperationQ" TikTok Banned For Unknown Alleged Community Guidelines Violation

On May 19, 2023, Truth Social decided to hop on the banning and suspensions train because I posted a risqué vintage photo college of Barack Obama's real mother, Stanley Ann Dunham.

"OperationQ" Truth Social Account Suspension For Posting A Risqué College Of Barack Obama's Mother, Stanley Ann Dunham

On October 30, 2023 Magabook admins deleted my account for the second time without reason. The first time they deleted my account was August 18, 2023 (a few months prior) and the admin claimed it was a database corruption that erased my account. Needless to say, fool me once shame on me, try to fool me twice, shame on you.

"OperationQ" Magabook Account Deleted By Admins Twice Without Reason
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Paid Discreditation Shills

These shills are literally paid in many cases by either ActBlue, ANTIFA, BLM, CTR, Shareblue, Media Matters, NAFO, NATO, or a George Soros subsidiary. Astroturfing government shills also make up 25% of social media comments, aimed at spinning the narrative. The shills try to spin the narrative in the comments section as far away from the truth as possible, I'm sure you have seen it before. They deploy tactics such as: antagonizing, spewing hatred, scoffing, fallacies, gaslighting, wrap-up smears, disinformation, blatant lying, threats, lazy insults, and Anti-Trump/Anti-Q propaganda.

The truth is they are the weakest of debaters and they have no evidence to support their disinformation campaign which is why they respond with tactics on the debate pyramid besides direct refuting the central point as seen below.

Here is an example buzzword pay scheme that paid shills were using in 2019 to smear Trump, likely still in effect and updated to contain more current buzzwords:

Shareblue Buzzword Pay Scale

Here is the most updated shill playbook found on 8kun which is used to discredit, infiltrate, and smear the Q Anon movement. Upon posting this list on Reddit I was permanently banned and have not been able to successfully retain another account as they delete me within the first day of creating one:

2020 Shill Playbook

Common Shill Phrases:

  • "Take your meds"

  • "Meth/crack is a hell of a drug"

  • "I'm so sorry/I feel bad for your family"

  • "Schizophrenic"

  • “Autistic”

  • "Delusional"

  • "Boomer"

  • “Tinfoil hat”

  • “Qult/Cult/Qultist/Cultist”

  • "Qockroach"

  • “Qcumber”

  • “Qtard”

  • "Q Anon & flat earthers make the conspiracy community look stupid"

  • "LARP"

  • "Russian bot/propaganda"

  • "Seek help"

  • "Drink bleach"

  • "Glue sniffer"

  • "Derangement syndrome"

  • "Go back to the Donald"

  • "Go back to your containment zone"

  • "Trump is a zionist/racist/rapist"

  • "Photoshop"

  • "Goal posts moving again"

  • "Q Anon is a psyop/controlled opposition/pacification op"

  • "This has already been debunked by _______" (insert politically biased fact-checker)

Noteable Deep State Masonic Shill Subreddits:

For example from the largest Masonic shill cuck sub reddit we have the Illuminati's very own Mike Rothschild seeking family members of Q followers or anyone who "recovered from the conspiracy" as if you can just forget about a Luciferian cabal of pedophile traffickers who ritually abuse and sacrifice children for their adrenochrome.

These shills are focused specifically on attacking, discrediting, mocking, & spinning Q Anon content. I want you to know how to spot these shills as you endeavour on your journey of mass awakening! The best way to deal with them is to simply not reply. If they engage in targeted harassment, threats, rudeness, vulgarness or offensive comments, please be sure to do your part by blocking and reporting them.

Instagram shills go even further out of their way by making replica fake accounts of mine (bio, profile picture, and username) in an attempt to misdirect the unknowing newcomer seeking truth on the fascist platform. Once again, if you are being impersonated online be sure to block, report, and ask your friends to assist in doing so as well to ensure prompt deletion for the replica shill account.

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The truth about fact-checkers is that they are leftist liberal democrat globalist deep state tools to control the narrative on social media platforms. They are all founded or funded by the same group of corrupt deep state individuals with connections to DARPA which already deployed an AI-driven information warfare tool to target pro-Trump users across the internet. Slightly off-topic, yet related, in 2013 Obama legalized the use of propaganda again with the National Defense Authorization Act (2013) which explains why there has been such an increase in fake news and lying fact-checkers since then. We have already explored the deceptive Cognizant fact-checker above thanks to Project Veritas, but let's take a look at some of the other obvious and annoying fact-checkers and who controls them. New York Post has actually gone on record in 2023 to validate our claims here by confirming George Soros invests in several fact-checking entities via his "Tides Foundation" and "Open Society Foundation' by providing funds to The Poynter Institute and the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) with intent to silence dissent. The most well-known Globalist funded fact-checkers are listed as follows:

Facebook uses these Deep State fake news aligned fact-checkers to censor content from being seen, force people into believing the "official narrative" and remove content entirely in a communist fashion.

Instagram does exactly the same as Facebook, however when they cannot fact check something to censor it they simply claim it goes against the community guidelines. For example below you will see a famous JFK Jr. tweet relating to the storm being upon us which Instagram has falsely labeled as relating to "violence or dangerous organizations" even though there is literally nothing violent or dangerous about the account or the tweet.

Obviously, the tweet was way too over target for Instagram as highlighted in the following image where I decode the comms in the tweet relating to Q drop 55 and simple gematria. The storm is upon us.

JFK Jr. = 55 = 5:5 = Loud & Clear. The Storm Is Upon Us & He Is Q.

Instagram even has the audacity to claim mainstream news content is altered when it is not altered and they do so using fact checks that are not even written in English as their methodology to hide undeniable truths. This has started to have a Streisand effect as normies have awoken to the bogus lying fact checkers used on Instagram. This non-English Knack fact check was added to one of my Instagram reels of the Joe Biden's double clearly wearing a latex/silicone hyperflesh skinmask.

Instagram Uses Fact Checks That Are Not Written In English To Hide Undeniable Truths
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The choice is yours to know. God Bless & WWG1WGA!

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Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are that of the author and may not represent the official views of HMM News or the Humorous Mathematics Media Network. Stories filed under Opinion contain information from various sources that may be both, verified and unverified. HMM News and the Humorous Mathematics Media Network do not make any claims as to the validity of the information expressed in the opinion section, however we do encourage the reader to do further research on their own and we hope that you will share your findings with us. The mission for the truth requires a collective effort.

Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. The content in my videos and channel are provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions. Humorous Mathematics Media Network assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, we cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information.


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