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The Old Issac Kappy Testimonials & The Accusations Towards Seth Green

Skedaddle Skedack

A theory into Seth Green...

Issac Kappy, Hollywood star, you may know him from Thor, Terminator Salvation, Fan boys. He played some roles, had his fair share of Hollywood acquaintances. But this man supposedly threw himself of a bridge, just to also be hit by a truck. A tragic end to a beautiful life, God bless you brother! Then that was that, nobody wanted to talk about it anymore, the infamous “they” told us it was a suicide. So we must believe it to be so. Right? What if I told you no. What if I can prove Issac predicted his own death just a few days prior to it? You see the reason they wanted it dealt with quickly and promptly, was because of what Issac was doing before he died. Confessing. Many names were brought out into the spot light, including Tom Hank’s, which led people like you and I to find the following.

But that is a difference story, that’s already been told. If you’re interested in the Tom Hank’s side of Issacs confessions, search Pedogate part 1 and 2, by MouthyBuddha, brilliant work. But I’m not here for Tom Hanks, I am here for Seth Green.

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Seth Green, funny, quirky, silly. Come on him? How? Let’s look at some of Issacs videos first:

So the most important video, is his last video. He knows he is at the end of line. And says he’s not suicidal, does not, want and will not in the future want to kill himself. So, why are we told it was a suicide? He says he wasn’t wanting to harm himself. But it happened anyway. Coincidence? So the same Coincidence that claimed, Kurt Cobain? Aviicii? Chester Bennington? Anthony Bourdain? Chris Cornell? Michael Jackson? Robin Williams? Marilyn Monroe? I could go on, seriously I could. How many times does it have to be a [COINCIDENCE] before [MATHEMATICALLY] impossible? Before I move on, let’s also look at this suspicious suicide note.

So next let’s move to the accusations. He’s called Seth Green and others out in the above videos. We also have these tweets.

But accusations can be bold, but can they be proven with more tangible evidence, the stuff we look for, the truth. This may be the strong word [COINCIDENCE] that comes up a lot when we talk about pedophilia. So I bring good information to discernible like yourselves.

First, to know a pedophile, you have to know what to look for symbols.

They have food codes too, so far those are irrelevant to what I’m talking about today. I want to bring out the problematic post for me, this post. So he has two tattoos. One on his right forearm, that looks like a bunch of lines. And the one on his chest, which is definitely a butterfly.

Let’s get the easy one over with. The right arm tattoo. I went through the comments, and two words were mentioned while talking about his tattoos. Butterfly and Arashikage.

So I did a quick search on Arashikage and this is the full symbol. It has something to do with GI Joe, that was a little bit before my time so I’m not familiar with the show, see Arashikage wiki. It seems rather harmless for now. So I am going to move on.

His butterfly tattoo, got a lot of compliments, but the comments got interesting. He mentions a book. “Hope for the Flowers”. We will get back to the book.

I want to talk about the symbology and the accusations, and some logical and critical thinking. First off we have a few points we have to look at.

• Has been accused of being a pedophile on multiple occasions

• Has a clear butterfly symbol on his chest, the same side we pretend our heart is on

Now that isn’t enough information to label someone a pedophile. But it is enough information to question this person now. If people are going to blow the whistle on them, and accuse them of being pedophile, and this same person has a “Child Lover” symbol tattooed over their heart, well, you tell me. I’m bringing this information to discernible people like you. What do you think.

Moving on, oh shit you mean there is more? Only a little bit, as I have reached a road block and need some help. This book, the aforementioned “Hope for the Flowers”. A strange book, here is the cover.

With that sketchy looking butterfly. The reason I’m at a block is because the author, Trina Paulus really doesn’t have any information on her self, anywhere except amazon.

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Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are that of the author and may not represent the official views of HMM News or the Humorous Mathematics Media Network. Stories filed under Opinion contain information from various sources that may be both, verified and unverified. HMM News and the Humorous Mathematics Media Network do not make any claims as to the validity of the information expressed in the opinion section, however we do encourage the reader to do further research on their own and we hope that you will share your findings with us. The mission for the truth requires a collective effort.


1 comentario

Barbara O'Dwyer-Moore
18 jun 2021

Editorially, I felt the Story just dropped. In other words, it was engaging enough...seemed to be rounding the way to an elusive point and then...BOOM...drop the Mic and walk away before the punchline. Excellent content though!

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