Do you remember when Q made numerous Biblical references and specifically mentioned to follow the bloodlines? The reason these are "Biblical Times" is because we are in the midst of an irregular, spiritual, psychological, information based, bloodline war where God wins in the end. The bloodlines engaged in this warfare are the interbred and intermarried fake Jewish Khazarian Mafia (Illuminati/Jesuit) bloodlines whom seek to exterminate the remaining Druze ethnic bloodlines (800,000 to 2,000,000 people) from Earth as they share the same scientifically proven DNA as Jesus Christ.
Speaking of Biblical times, this brings our attention to the intentionally lost book of Q (the Gospel of Q) which are the direct teachings of Jesus Christ believed to be one of the original gospels. The book Q consists of 6236 verses (6 + 2 + 3 + 6) = 17. This is very similar to the intentional exclusion of the Book of Enoch or the Gospel of Mary Magdalene from the Bible and the removal and reinstallation of the book of Revelation. The reason the Q gospel and many other books with hidden teachings were intentionally removed from the Bible is due to the constant Freemasonic Illuminati Jesuit (Vatican) editing, mistranslating, and restructuring of the Bible. This is to hide specific spiritual teachings relating to ascension, karmic debt, natural cures/remedies, reincarnation, the third eye (pineal gland), vibrational frequency, etc. where the Bible was censored from 777 (angel number) original books all the way down to 66 books (their favorite Luciferian number of course). Many people hid these sacred spiritual books to preserve for future generations since they were forbidden from the modern 1611 Edition King James Freemason Bible.

King James VI of Scotland, (later King James I of England), is often held responsible for the Freemasonification of the Bible. He ordered that the Masonic structure be given leadership and organization. He made a senior Mason, named William Schaw, his General Warden of the Craft, and instructed him to revamp the entire structure of Freemasonry including their Bible which he commenced this project on December 28, 1598. To this day, the King James 1611 Edition of the Bible remains the standard Freemason Bible and is the edition conventionally used in secret Masonic temple rituals.
Who Is Patrick Lincoln Kahlooni ?
This brings our attention to the point in the story where I must introduce the main source of this information, Patrick Lincoln Kahlooni (a.k.a. Patrick Bouvier Kennedy) the brother of John Fitzgerald Lincoln Kahlooni Jr. (a.k.a. John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr.) who allegedly died 39 hours after his birth. Below you will see the profile picture from his official twitter account which hosts a never before seen photo of him where he is clearly several years old and not dead 39 hours after birth which is the mainstream accepted narrative. He is a well educated Engineer and Historian.
The following photo is a highly publicized photo of John Fitzgerald Lincoln Kahlooni Jr. and Carolyn Jeanne Bessette-Kennedy observed in various mainstream publications. Directly to the right behind Carolyn the gentlemen is believed to be the middle aged brother of JFK Jr. known as Patrick Lincoln Kahlooni (a.k.a. Patrick Bouvier Kennedy) consequently proving he did not die at birth.

In the following tweet below from October 27, 2019 in the comments you will see that Patrick was asked on November 2, 2019 if he was the soul and spirit of PBK (Patrick Bouvier Kennedy) and he replied on December 22, 2019 stating "I am PBK himself."
Patrick Lincoln Kahlooni (a.k.a. Patrick Bouvier Kennedy) has also played multiple roles in the White Hat movie we have all been watching including Michael Brian Protzman (Negative 48 / -48) and 55th US House Speaker Kevin Owen McCarthy. Notice the facial similarities amongst the 3, especially the larger ears which look identical and cannot be faked? If you ask me it appears Patrick used the Negative 48 alias to get out important information about his bloodline "The Jesus Strand" via The Sacred Blue Tent YouTube channel (since removed there, still available here) and then faked his death so he could assume the identity of a Kevin McCarthy double and play the role of 55th US House Speaker.
The Zionist Jesuit Khazarian Mafia
Patrick then introduces his readers to the evil Roman Papal Black Nobility bloodlines whom interbred and intermarried with the fake Jewish Khazarian (Illuminati) Reptilian-Humanoid Hybrid bloodlines. These are the very bloodlines that are responsible for censoring and removing gospels from the Bible followed by attempting to exterminate the entire Druze ethnic bloodline via holocaust of the descendants of Jesus Christ which happened between 1911 to 1943 in Libya where hundreds of thousands of Libyans were murdered in concentration camps in Libya and Military prisons in Italy. In 1912, thousands of Libyans were shipped and murdered in Gaeta Military Prison. This genocide of Druze ethnic descendants of Christ continues to this day with the ongoing Armenian genocide perpetrated by Azerbaijan, Israel and Turkey (all of which are infiltrated, controlled, and funded by the Khazarian Mafia) to take over Armenia (known as the land of Noah) and exterminate its remaining Druze ethnic people. This ideology is often referred to as Turanianism or Pan-Turkism which developed as a social and political nationalist ideology / movement that emphasizes the common ethnic, cultural, and linguistic roots of Turkic-Muslim peoples living across Eurasia stemming from the Khazarian Ottoman empire.

These Papal Black Nobility/Illuminati bloodlines are also known as the Khazarian Mafia which is the exact criminal Luciferian syndicate that founded I.S.I.S (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service a.k.a. The Mossad) in 1855 after formation by the Kings of Morocco & Libya (Sanussi Hassan family). They promptly signed into law the Mohameddi Law / Mohamadia Sharia Law which was established to kill the bloodlines of Jesus Christ (Druze). More than 100 families' representatives met in Osman Mosque-Municipality Square in Benghazi, Libya to start teaching false Mohameddi Law / Mohamadia Sharia Law in order to target Ibrahim Khaleel Kahlooni's (Abraham Lincoln) family and the bloodline descendants of Jesus (Druze). This law enforced the halt to any teachings having to do with Jesus Christ.
In the USA on July 25, 1861 I.S.I.S merged with the Skull n Bones, Rothschild’s, Schiff, Rockefellers, Scherff a.k.a. Bush, Kissingers, etc.. The UK Royals artificially inseminated by the Rothschild’s had taken control of the Satanic Sanussi Hassan family of Libya. Skull n Bones and I.S.I.S were responsible for the assassination of John Fitzgerald Lincoln Kahlooni's (a.k.a. John Fitzgerald Kennedy's) body double. Now I bet it makes a lot more sense as to why the Zionist Khazarian Mafia Deep State insists on using the fraudulent RNA/DNA PCR Test for COVID-19 several months into their genocidal mRNA nanotech operating system depopulation injection program, as they are looking for the remaining Druze Christ bloodline descendants on Earth.
1855: I.S.I.S Established by Sanussi Hassan (Khazarian Mafia)
1861: Merged With Skull n Bones (Khazarian Mafia)
1870-1930: Big Pharma Established (Khazarian Mafia)
1871: Act of England (Secret Constitution Implemented By Khazarian Mafia)
1912: Planned Titanic/Olympic Sinking
1913: Federal Reserve Established (Khazarian Mafia)
1917-1923: Bolshevik Revolution
1945-1959: Operation Paperclip & Operation Mockingbird (Khazarian Mafia)
1948: Israel Established (Zionist/Khazarian/Bolshevik Government)
1949: Mossad & CIA Established (Khazarian Mafia)
In Q Drop 2604 below we see Q mention "Avoided Z" which is a reference to the Zionists of Israel (a.k.a. The Khazarian Mafia's followers), as Q has similarly mentioned in Drop 916 Israel is being saved for last as it will expose everything the Khazarian Mafia is responsible for from politics to the genocidal pharmaceutical system. John Fitzgerald Lincoln Kahlooni Jr. even has a tattoo on his right arm representing the Z Special Unit / Special Operations Executive (SOE) emblem which accurately reflects his battle as a Dru[z]e bloodline Christ descendant against the [Z]ionist Khazarian Mafia.

The Luciferian fake Jewish Ashkenazi Khazarian Mafia (KM / a.k.a. The Synagogue Of Satan) would like the world to believe that "Jews" are the only real Israelites. They cloak themselves with the Jewish religion (Judaism) to hide their rituals (Black Magik, Kabbalah and witchcraft) and true Babylonian Canaanite Luciferian Satanic roots (sacrificing to / worshipping Luciferian deities like Baal, Baphomet, Beelzebub, Hades, Lucifer, Moloch, Satan and the Devil). They invented the term "Anti-Semitic" to discredit any claim that attempts to expose the fake Jews, false Israelites or the Khazarian Mafia. The people from Israel claiming to be "God's Chosen People" are in actuality false Israelites that descend from Canaan, Ashkenaz, Ishmael and Esau.
The Druze Ethnicity Jesus Strand DNA
In the following tweet Patrick lists himself and his Kahlooni Lincoln family members who are all Druze targets of the aforementioned Zionist Jesuit Khazarian Mafia bloodlines.
The Jews and Armenians from Golan Heights, Israel are known as the Druze ethnicity which are the bloodline descendants of Jesus Christ. They are also known as the descendants of “Jethro” The Priest of Midian in The Bible & Torah (Exodus 2:18). The descendants of Jesus Christ are believed to have the second rarest (following type RH) of the blood types, AB-, which has a 0.36% worldwide distribution. The 16th President Of The United States of America Ibrahim Khaleel Kahlooni (a.k.a. Abraham Lincoln), descends from the Druze ethnicity Kahlooni family.

"The Jesus Strand: A Search for DNA" is a TV Movie from 2017 that uses advanced modern day Oxford University DNA Technology that did not exist in the past to examine artifacts and relics (particularly a famous shroud with the actual blood of Jesus) to identify evidence to prove the very DNA of Jesus which will help identify his descendants whom are of the Druze ethnicity. Below is a snippet clip of the full TV Movie, followed by the entire 2 parts "Discovering Jesus' DNA - Genetic Sequencing On The Shroud Of Turin" and "Using DNA Sequencing To Trace Jesus' Ancestry."
The following related multiple hour two part series is also titled "The Jesus Strand" which can be found on The Sacred Blue Tent YouTube channel and features Brice, Sabrina Gal, Negative48 and Toronto. A third installment has been forecasted by Negative48 and will likely come equipped with new information that is now ready to be shared with the public.
Due to all this information coming out and naturally circulating online across various social platforms that allow free speech, MSNBC agent Ali Velshi on November 8, 2021 does his own spin on the information in an attempt to discredit and mock it. It's honestly not that far off, which was surprising, really assures you that white hats are in control throughout the 2021 USA Inc. Joe Biden shadow presidency.
With the limited information available I have put together the following Lincoln Kahlooni family map which showcases some of the main family connections I am able to comfortably make at this point. This family map is available in high quality for download via the following zip file.

William Wallace Lincoln was born on December 21, 1850 in Springfield, Illinois, USA and is the son of Ibrahim Khaleel Kahlooni (Abraham Lincoln) whom was transferred to Libya in 1863, at the age of 13. For safety he changed his identity to Omar Mukhtar and was raised by the Sanussi Royal Family of Libya for protection and lived in this country for the rest of his life as he worked on accomplishing higher sacred purposes. He was the Great Freedom Fighter who fought against the Italian Military Invasion of Libya from 1911, until his arrest near the Caves Valley (180 kilometers east of Benghazi) on Friday, September 11, 1931.
They betrayed him due to Italy's sudden invasion of Libya in 1911. The Rothschild (Khazarian Mafia) had lured the USA into World War 1 in 1914, and the Royal Sanussi Family collaborated with Italy in 1918. By 1923, William Wallace Lincoln realized that he had been betrayed and fled to the Green Mountain in order to defend the Holy Land. His arrest took place while he defended the Holy Valleys of Mark the Evangelist, the Valley of the Bible and the Lake of Mary in the area of Cyrene (280km east of Benghazi). He was transferred to stand trial on Tuesday, September 15, 1931, in a trial held by the Italian Military Court in Benghazi where within the one day he was sentenced to death. He was hanged the following day in Solluk City (50km south of Benghazi, in the Area of Eusperides/US Peridious, on the east coast of Libya) on Wednesday, September 16, 1931 at the age of 81.
On September 17, 1931, the day after his execution, the Italians (Roman Papal Black Nobility Jesuit bloodlines) committed one of the greatest crimes against humanity, killing thousands of his followers which was nothing but a pure Genocide. The result is that the William Wallace Lincoln / Omar Mukhtar is considered to this day the father / symbol of all freedom fighters in the world. The Libyan government confirmed to Patrick that the bones of William Wallace Lincoln had been sent to the United States. Moustapha Akkad's 1980 film "Lion Of The Desert" tells the tale of Omar Mukhtar portrayed by Antony Quinn and General Rodolfo Graziani portrayed by Oliver Reed.
William Wallace Lincoln / Omar Mukhtar had three daughters: Mary, Gallia and Saieda and one son who was shot in the head and killed by the Italian Military Police in downtown Benghazi, Libya in 1942. Mary married Prince Said H. Issa Kahlooni from the Golan Heights, Syria whom was born in the Orchards Mount Lebanon Governorate, Lebanese Republic. He arrived at the port of Derna, Libya (20 kilometers west of the Holy Valleys) in March 1911, coming from the port of Beirut, Lebanon. His family comes from the cities of Qunaitara & Majdal Shams, in the Golan Heights, Israel and is well known in Lebanon, Syria and Israel. The name "Issa" means "Jesus" as in Jesus Christ. The city of Kahloonia in the Lebanese Mountain Range is located 45km southeast of Beirut.
Mary Lincoln and Prince Said H. Issa Kahlooni had two sons together, Joseph Patrick Lincoln Kahlooni Jr. (a.k.a. Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr.) born July 25, 1915 and John Fitzgerald Lincoln Kahlooni (a.k.a. John Fitzgerald Kennedy) born May 29, 1917. John Fitzgerald Lincoln Kahlooni was kidnapped at an early age from Benghazi, Libya and surrendered to the Khazarian Mafia leader Joseph Kennedy in the USA. Both of which were targeted for assassination by the Khazarian Mafia resulting in John Fitzgerald Lincoln Kahlooni's body double (who was believed to be Officer J. D. Tippit) being assassinated on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas and Joseph Patrick Lincoln Kahlooni Jr.'s assassination on Saturday, August 12, 1944 (at the age of 29). Mary Lincoln was born in 1890 in US Peridius, Benghazi, Libya and she died on October 5, 1962 (at the age of 72). On Saturday, September 12, 1914, Prince Said H. Issa Kahlooni, appeared before the Italian Military Court in US Peridious, Benghazi, Libya.
The following image demonstrates John Fitzgerald Lincoln Kahlooni (a.k.a. John Fitzgerald Kennedy / JFK Sr.) alongside his body double/clone in 1962 at The White House while handing him a taxidermied terrestrial cryptid mammal. The photo is allegedly reported to be AI, although acts as a great lesson for people to research the Kennedy assassination and cloning.
Furthermore, the following image and video from Daily Mail in France on June 6, 2019 showcases John Fitzgerald Lincoln Kahlooni (a.k.a. John Fitzgerald Kennedy / JFK Sr.) disguised as World War II Veteran Russell Pickett. In case you were not convinced he faked his death by using a double to evade the Freemasonic Jesuit Ashkenazi Khazarian Mafia's assassination attempts on him. He recently turned 102 years old in the video clip and would be 103 going on 104 in the picture on the left, although a Q JFK JR telegram channel confirmed that he passed away naturally via stoke on January 30, 2021.

On August 7, 1963, Patrick Lincoln Kahlooni (a.k.a. Patrick Bouvier Kennedy) was born and is married to his wife Elham with their two sons, Zacharia and Heisam in US Peridious, Benghazi, Libya. Their life in Libya is far from easy as they all remain targets of the Deep State Zionist Jesuit Khazarian Mafia Cabal. In fact all Luciferian leaders of the Middle East and the rest of the World know exactly who Patrick Lincoln Kahlooni (a.k.a. Patrick Bouvier Kennedy) is! He has been beaten mercilessly since 2008, when Illuminati Khazar Barack Hussein Obama Hitler Rothschild came to power as the 44th President of the USA. However, it seems that the continued blows make Patrick stronger and more decisive in terms of the continuation of the fight, as he characteristically says "It is a constant war, which I can manage."
Patrick Bouvier Kennedy Tweets
Over the past few years Patrick has provided us with plenty of information and confirmations relating to his family tree connections of the Kahlooni Lincoln Druze ethnicity via the following important tweets I have collected and archived.
Family Photos

Carolyn Jeanne Bessette-Kennedy and John Fitzgerald Lincoln Kahlooni Jr. had three secret children via surrogate mother Arabella Lincoln Kahlooni (a.k.a. Arabella Kennedy) including Kayleigh Lincoln Kahlooni (a.k.a. Kayleigh McEnany), Joshua Blake Lincoln Kahlooni (a.k.a. Joshua Blake Kennedy) and Ezra Asa Lincoln Kahlooni (a.k.a. Ezra Asa Cohen-Watnick).

Ezra Asa Cohen-Watnick (Ezra Asa Lincoln Kahlooni) appeared in a YouTube video with JFK's grandchildren and mentioned JFK in his first major speech after being appointed to deputy assistant secretary at the Pentagon.

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