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The Executed: Clones, Doubles, & Vril Lizard Reptilian Parasites

Writer's picture: Operation QOperation Q

Updated: Oct 18, 2024

It's being reported that many public figures have been replaced by stand in clones/doubles these days, and thankfully the great team at ZetaTalk has been keeping track for us. According to ZetaTalk these Military Tribunals have been running in the US since the start of 2019, authorized by President Trump’s Executive Order. Issues such as treason and crimes against humanity fall under the military purview and allow for a speedy trial in secrecy, commonly resulting in executions or lengthy stays at GITMO.

The following article is divided into various sections providing insight into the history of the Vril Society, human cloning types, Vril Lizard Reptilian Parasites and their soul scalping droning process (Illuminati ritual a.k.a. "The Black Eye Club"), and the executed's doubles (actors wearing latex/silicone hyperflesh skinmasks or even Clonaid clones).


The Vril Society

Grey Extraterrestrial & Adolf Hitler

William Tompkins (Disseminator Of Aircraft Research & Information) U.S. Naval Air Station Mission Order

William Tompkins also specified that the Reptilians helped the NAZIs to build subterranean underground bases (a.k.a. DUMBs) in Antarctica where human cloning likely still occurs to this very day in secrecy.

Antarctica Nazi Bases Planisphere Hung Inside The United Nations

An important connection to notice here is that The Vril Society essentially gave birth to the NAZI party. The Vril Society was one of he most influential of the occultist groups in post-WWI Germany, many of Germany’s social elite were members. "Vril" means the Light Force and Lucifer is known as the light bearer to secret societies like Freemasonry and the Illuminati. The true nature of Nazism is being concealed and should really be defined as Rothschildism, especially considering that Adolf Hitler himself was a Ashkenazi Khazarian Rothschild pushing blatant eugenics and the NAZI World Order (NWO). The following videos provide further insight into the Vril Society.

Now we have come to understand that Hitler was both an Ashkenazi Khazarian Rothschild Illuminati bloodline descendent and member of The Vril Society. The illuminati bloodlines are believed to be a Luciferian-Reptilian-humanoid-hybrid race that is controlling our world via secret societies infiltrating all levels of society. The Vril Society were also Luciferians that practiced child sacrifice and as you will learn below the Vril Lizard Reptilians require stem-cell rich blood (adrenochrome) or flesh to survive in a cloned body or human body they have consumed the soul of. So the commonality between the Vril Society, Vril Lizard Reptilians and the Illuminati (Freemasons, Jesuits, Khazarians, & Zionists) is child sacrifice to feed their Draco Reptilian overlords.


Human Cloning

Raëlian Symbol (Star of David & Swastika)

Before we move forward let us first clarify that human cloning is very real and illegal in most countries around the world, yet still ongoing in Canada carried out by the company known as Clonaid. It was initially founded in 1997 based on the ideas of Raël (Claude Vorilhon) who founded the Raëlian UFO based religion known as Raëlism or Raëlianism in 1974 which promotes liberalism with a strong emphasis on sexual experimentation and sees cloning as the first step in achieving physical immortality. In December 2022, after Elon purchased Twitter, Kanye West was kicked off Twitter for posting the Raëlian symbol even thought their symbolgy has nothing to do with Jews or NAZIs. Clonaid is not hiding it in the slightest on their official website, declaring themselves the "pioneers in human cloning" which is nothing compared to the archived screenshots from their website back in 2009 which I have provided for you as follows because they have removed the content from their website.

In the following clip from 2002, Clonaid's chief executive, Brigitte Boisselier, invited the media to a press release to announce the birth of the first human clone, known as Baby Eve.

As of late 2018, the musician known as Kid Buu started openly speaking out on VladTV stating that he was the second generation cloned version of himself produced by Clonaid and that his model number was 0112568. During the interview he affirms his beliefs in Raëlism regarding physical immortality through cloning, then shouts out Clonaid, before stating that his first generation wrote in his will for the Raël movement to clone him should anything happen to him, and that he was walking proof of transfer of consciousness. This was initially received as a mere conspiracy theory thought to be used to garner him attention and publicity to promote his music career at the time. That was up until he vindicated himself on Instagram Live by showing his Clonaid access card and Clonaid sweater (both with matching Clonaid model number 0112568), followed by his second and third generations of himself sitting side by side.

Similarly, on two interview occasions for Glass Onion, Janelle Monáe admitted to having clones. First on October 17, 2022 during an AP interview followed by a December 19, 2022 NME interview. She explained she has multiple clones under contract in order to get so much done, including a clone for family, film, music and personnel life:

Well, it's very simple. I have a clone. I have a clone for music. I have a clone for film. I have a clone for my personal life. I have a clone for my family life as well. So that's how it gets done. And each clone is under contract.
[From 4:21] You will get new music because I now have a clone. That clone does all of my music, and I have another clone for acting. I’m not going to tell you if it’s me or not. They’re in the studio right now!

The following videos are extremely informative and highly censored across the internet due to the amount of people coming forward with information regarding clones and cloning. Essentially, the Illuminati forces individuals who sell their soul in exchange for fortune and fame to get cloned in advance or have it written in their will that upon death they are to be instantly cloned. If they cooperate with their rituals then they can possibly disappear/retire one day from being famous and be replaced by their clone. If they expose any Freemasonic Jesuit Illuminati secrets then they are killed off secretly and replaced by their clone.

The following image demonstrates John Fitzgerald Lincoln Kahlooni (a.k.a. John Fitzgerald Kennedy / JFK Sr.) alongside his body double/clone in 1962 at The White House while handing him a taxidermied terrestrial cryptid mammal. The photo is allegedly reported to be AI, although acts as a great lesson for people to research the Kennedy assassination and cloning.

John Fitzgerald Lincoln Kahlooni (a.k.a. JFK Sr.) With His Body Double/Clone In 1962 At The White House

Notable Cloning Patents:

Types of Clones/Doubles Used By The Illuminati:

  1. Actual Clones: This is a person grown from test tubes, known as "in vitro" or implanted in a womb, having identical genetic makeup to another person.

  2. Synthetic People: These persons look every bit as real as a real person although are made of certain tissues extracted from cattle for example.

  3. Organic Robotoids: This is an artificial life created totally different than clones or synthetics. Organic robotoid technology is being used to make exact as possible copies of important people.

  4. Doubles (Look-Alikes): An ongoing program to find look-alikes for prominent people, as well as a program to create secret identical twins (which are separated at birth and never see each other).

Organic Robotoid Examples

Click To Search DDG: Organic Robotoid

Supporting Links - Human Cloning:


Vril Lizards & Droning Process

These actors/clones/doubles can be taken over by Vril Lizard Reptilian parasites, which is a method of shape shifting opposed to what we have been traditionally conditioned to believe. Vril Lizards can inject their proboscis into the human eye in a droning process known as "body snatching" where the lizard parasite takes over the human brain and abandons it's reptile body. When the Vril injects its proboscis a thick cerebrospinal fluid is ejected into the human eye socket, which goes to the brain, where a chemical transformation immediately begins occurring (As seen around 7:30 in the following clip). The thick cerebrospinal fluid that is ejected into the human eye socket is believed to be carrying a Vril Lizard parasite similar to the Nematode Worm parasite found in the French Pyrenees Wall Lizard embryos’ brain. It is believed the soul gets fully consumed by the Vril Lizard parasite within two weeks. The victim essentially dies, leaving the Vril Lizard parasite in complete control of all brain function.

The following two videos are examples of the Vril Lizard Reptilian parasite proboscis after ejecting itself from its Vril Lizard body.

The Black Eye Club - Soul Scalping Ritual

To prevent physical breakdown of the body, the Vril needs to ingest regular amounts of stem cell-rich blood, best found in human babies. Maybe this explains why aborted babies are such a lucrative business for Planned Parenthood? The Vril will likely settle for adrenochrome to tie itself over when it's preferred choice is not readily available. These Vril "vampires" can get very old, but the Vril will eventually need to migrate to a new host body. This way they can live forever. The following images, videos, and links should help you learn everything you need to know about these Vril lizard Reptilian parasites.

Vril Lizard Reptilian Parasite: 1-2 Feet Tall, Red Diamond-Shaped Scales & Proboscis/Quill
Vril Lizard Reptilian Parasite Shown On Edge Of Wonder
Vril Lizard Reptilian Parasite Shown On KOB Eyewitness News 4
Vril Lizard Reptilian Parasite Comparison To KOB Eyewitness News 4
Vril Lizard Reptilian Parasite: Front & Back
Vril Lizard Reptilian Parasite
Taxidermied Vril Lizard Reptilian Parasite Found In New Mexico Pawn Shop
Nematode Worm Parasite Seen In Human Eye
Nematode Worm Parasite Found In French Pyrenees Wall Lizard Embryos’ Brain

The following clip is believed to be the white hat military alliance fighting what seems to be one of these Vril Lizard Reptilians. This is believed to be somewhere in Afghanistan and at the beginning of the clip you can see a soldier hold up what seems to be a little baby to lure out the Vril lizard. The potential underground component of this warfare is exactly why the US Army trains its personnel for subterranean operations (ATP 3-21.51).

Roseanne Barr was cancelled after a 2013 interview on RT News where she said at 6:29 in the following clip "I'll probably get assassinated or droned when I'm out of here" in reference to the disclosures she just stated about the controllers of Earth, the Ashkenazi Khazarian Jesuit Mafia using MK-Ultra to control humanity. This is one of the very few rare confirmations of the Vril Lizard Reptilian Parasite soul scalping droning ritual a.k.a. The Black Eye Club.

The 2013 film "The Host" was written by Andrew Niccol and Stephenie Meyer, produced by Nick Wechsler Productions, Chockstone Pictures and Fickle Fish Films. It showcased the human race get hijacked by extraterrestrial parasites known as "Souls". The Souls inserted themselves into host bodies and completely replaced the consciousness of the host, however retaining access to the host's memories. Once a host body was occupied by an ET "Soul" they developed identifiable silver rings in their eyes. This is eerily similar to the Vril Reptilian Parasite soul scalping droning ritual as it also takes over the consciousness of the host body and instead of a silver ring remaining in the eye it leaves severe bruising around the eye socket known as the Black Eye Club.

The Host Film (2013) Symbolic Of Vril Reptilian Parasite Soul Scalping Droning Ritual

The 2014-2017 TV Series "The Strain" presented a parasitic insectoid virus that entered the human eye and morphed the human into a cannibalistic vampire. This has shocking similarities to the Vril Reptilian Parasite ejecting its proboscis with a thick cerebrospinal fluid into the human eye socket to consume the soul and engage in blood quenching vampirism.

Click To View IMDB: The Strain TV Series (2014-2017)
Vril Lizard Reptilian Parasite Resembles Teletubbies

Supporting Links - Vril Lizard Reptilian Parasite:

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The Executed: Clones/Doubles

Now that we are clear human cloning is very real, we can take a look at a few of the most obvious public figure clones/doubles. These people are merely place holders until the public has awoken enough for full disclosure and declassification of their originals disgusting crimes against humanity. We have to consider that any of the following could be actors, clones, CGI deepfakes, doubles, holographic, robotoids or transvestites hiding in plain sight. The following are examples of latex/silicone hyperflesh skinmasks and skinsuits that an actor or double would be wearing to portray the likeness of another effortlessly.

Hyperflesh Latex/Silicone Skinmasks
Hyperflesh Latex/Silicone Skinmasks
Hyperflesh Latex/Silicone Skinmasks
Hyperflesh Latex/Silicone Skinmasks

Former CIA Chief of Disguise, Jonna Mendez, explained how she oversaw the equipment used by spies to conceal their identities, including custom made five-second masks inspired by Hollywood. The technology was developed over a 10 year period, allowed for full facial movement functionality (blinking/speaking), could be applied/removed at a moments notice and were specifically designed to be able to be hidden in the armpit. Unlike its cinematic counterparts these hyperflesh latex/silicone skinmasks do not require hours in the makeup chair to apply or remove. Professional grade hyperflesh latex/silicone skinmasks cost $500+ and are readily available online via Amazon, Hyperflesh, Metamorphose Masks, Real Skin Masks Company and The Masker. Listen to Mendez explain the ins and outs of these unique pieces of spy technology that can save your life. CIC Donald Trump has been known to deploy doubles with skinmasks for in person appearances due to the multitude of assassination attempts that have been made on his life.

In the following "The Daily Show" clip from April 8, 2019 are numerous examples of Donald Trump referring to "Central Casting." Central Casting (established in 1925) has become known as the leading background actor casting company in the entertainment industry with offices in Georgia, Los Angeles, Louisiana and New York. Openly on their official website homepage they mention they provide hundreds of daily bookings for stand-ins and doubles. In the clip Trump specifies General Jim Mattis, Vice President Mike Pence, NRCC Chairmen Tom Emmer and Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh are Central Casting doubles, followed by "everyone is Central Casting" and "make a military movie."

Click To View: CentralCasting.Com

Patrick Lincoln Kahlooni (a.k.a. Patrick Bouvier Kennedy) has also played multiple roles in the White Hat movie we have all been watching including Michael Brian Protzman (Negative 48 / -48) and 55th US House Speaker Kevin Owen McCarthy. Notice the facial similarities amongst the 3, especially the larger ears which look identical and cannot be faked? If you ask me it appears Patrick used the Negative 48 alias to get out important information about his bloodline "The Jesus Strand" via The Sacred Blue Tent YouTube channel (since removed there, still available here) and then faked his death so he could assume the identity of a Kevin McCarthy double and play the role of 55th US House Speaker.

Patrick Lincoln Kahlooni (a.k.a. Patrick Bouvier Kennedy) Played Michael Brian Protzman (-48) & Kevin Owen McCarthy
Bill Gates (Rockefeller Descendant) & Melinda Gates
Click To View: Confirms Bill Gates & Melinda Gates Were Executed In India 2013 By Hanging Confirms Bill Gates & Melinda Gates Were Executed In India 2013 By Hanging
Bill Gates (Rockefeller Descendant)
Bill Gates (Rockefeller Descendant) & Melinda Gates
Justin Trudeau Castro
Justin Trudeau Castro
Ottawa Sun February 15, 2022 Front Cover Refers To Justin Trudeau Double As "Bad Actor"
Justin Trudeau Castro
George Soros
George Soros
Mark Zuckerberg (Rockefeller Descendant)
Elon Musk

In the following video clip at the FIFA World Cup Finals 2022 we can observe Elon Musk's white hat controlled double (also known as #QElon) clearly wearing a latex/silicone hyperflesh skinmask that connects his neck to his torso. It is believed that Elon Musk was executed for his involvement in crimes against humanity and child trafficking via Neuarlink, resulting in all his assets being seized by the white hat military alliance. If we look closer it appears this may even possibly be a CGI edited production as Elon does not appear exactly the same on the phone recording within the video as he appears in the stadium.

Relatedly, the White Hat Elon Musk double was spotted again on Fox News' Tucker Carlson interview about the dangers of AI on April 17, 2023 wearing a latex/silicone hyperflesh skinmask. A noticeable gap can be observed around the neckline, where the skinmask overlays on top of the actor's actual flesh.

White Hat Elon Musk Double Spotted Wearing Latex/Silicone Hyperflesh Skinmask On Tucker Carlson Interview April 17, 2023
Anthony Fauci
Anthony Fauci
Anthony Fauci
Joe Biden (Real) vs. Joe Biden (Black Hat Clone/Double) vs. Joe Biden (White Hat Double/Actor)
Joe Biden (Real) vs. Joe Biden (Black Hat Clone/Double) vs. Joe Biden (White Hat Double/Actor)
Joe Biden (Real) vs. Joe Biden (Actor/Double)
Joe Biden (Real) vs. Joe Biden (Actor/Double)
Joe Biden (Real) vs. Joe Biden (Actor/Double)
Joe Biden (Black Hat Clone/Double): Left Eye Bloody Where Vril Lizard Proboscis Was Inserted
Joe Biden & Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu Double's Height Discrepancy
Hunter Biden

On February 7, 2023 at the State Of Union address, Kamala Harris' double had their hyperflesh latex/silicone mask crumpling up around the neck as shown on ABC News around 14:40 in the full video. You will notice her neck does not typically crumple like that which is validation a hyperflesh disguise mask was being worn by her double.

Kamal Aroush (Kamala Harris)
Kamal Aroush (Kamala Harris)
Barack Obama (Rothschild Descendant)
Barack Obama (Rothschild Descendant)
Click To View Full Article: Obama Is Hitler's Biological Grandson, A Khazar Rothschild
Michael LaVaughn Robinson (Michelle Obama)
Click To View Full Article: Michael LaVaughn Robinson - Deep State Satanic NWO Tranny
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton Doppelgänger - Germany March 15, 2017 @ 6:45PM
Hillary Clinton vs. Shirley Jones
Hillary Clinton vs. Shirley Jones
Hillary Clinton & Kamala Harris Double's Height Discrepancy
Bill Clinton

Here are examples of CGI Holographics deployed in the following videos for the executed Pope Francis:

Pope Francis
John Podesta

Here is a blatant example of deepfake CGI technology being used to portray the Queen on television for a Christmas message, they claim this was to bring awareness to misinformation.

Queen Elizabeth Windsor II (Rothschild)
Queen Elizabeth Windsor II (Rothschild) Close Up: Left Eye Bloody Where Vril Lizard Proboscis Was Inserted
Prince Philip Mountbatten Windsor (Rothschild)
Prince Philip Mountbatten Windsor (Rothschild) Close Up: Reptilian Eyes Showing
King Charles Windsor III (Rothschild)
Prince Harry Windsor (Rothschild)
Meghan Markle
Catherine Elizabeth Middleton Windsor & Prince William Windsor (Rothschild)
Princess Beatrice Windsor (Rothschild)
King Willem-Alexander & Queen Máxima
Boris Johnson
Angela Merkel (Rothschild)
Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu
Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu
Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu

As per Q Drop 15, from October 31, 2017, Vladimir Putin was removed after Donald Trump won the 2016 presidency and a White Hat double was installed in his position to assist the White Hat Military Alliance in their ongoing takedown of the Khazarian Mafia Globalist Cabal. Below are images and videos of his alleged 2012 appearance in Moscow District Military Court where he was arrested for embezzlement, financial fraud and abuse of power.

Vladimir Putin

The following two clips demonstrate Polish National Fakt Magazine/TV showcasing two Volodymyr Zelenskyy doubles on screen at the same time during Joe Biden's double's visit to Kyiv, Ukraine on February 20, 2023. After Russian Special Forces rumoured to of captured Zelenskyy near an undisclosed Kyiv airfield on September 1, 2022, he was found guilty at his NAVY JAG military tribunal, executed and his double was installed. The first clip is the full segment from Polish National Fakt Magazine/TV followed by the downloadable snippet which showcase the two doubles, one of which is supposed to be Zelenskyy and one who is supposed to be his bodyguard:

Volodymyr Zelenskyy
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Muhammadu Buhari
Xi Jinping
Kim Jong-Un
Petro Poroshenko
Mike Pence
Mike Pence vs. Patrick Cassidy

In the following Fox News clip from September 12, 2023, Hillary Vaughn questions the John Fetterman actor/double regarding him challenging the Republicans to impeach the Joe Biden actor/double. If you pause the video when he holds up his phone several times you can see that he is reading off a cellular teleprompter.

John Fetterman
Jared Kushner
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Ilhan Omar
Rashida Tlaib
Nancy Pelosi
Nancy Pelosi - Latex/Silicone Hyperflesh Skinmask On Double/Actor
Bernie Sanders
Lindsey Graham
Adam Schiff
Chuck Schumer
Jerry Nadler
John Brennan
John Kerry
James Comey
George W. Bush
Jeb Bush
Maxine Waters
Michael D. Rockefeller (Tom Hanks)
Michael D. Rockefeller (Tom Hanks)
Michael D. Rockefeller (Tom Hanks)
Michael D. Rockefeller (Tom Hanks)
Michael D. Rockefeller (Tom Hanks)
Marina Abramović
Don Lemon
Madonna Louise Ciccone
Elton John
Simon Cowell
General Michael Flynn
General Michael Flynn
JD Vance Double Height Discrepancy
Michael Joseph Jackson Faked His Death In 2009 & Became David Charles Rothenberg (Dave Dave) Until He Faked His Death In 2018 & Became Musician Jack Crooner
Jeffrey Epstein: Double Used When Faking Death & Exiting Prison
Click To View Archived @ZRanchLady Thread: "You are watching a MOVIE" "There are *GOOD & BAD ACTORS*"
Click To View: Q Drop 461
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