This has gone on for far too long, 800,000 missing kids annually, its time that justice is finally served and it seems Trump was the only president willing to do anything about these disturbing crimes against humanity. Adrenochrome trafficking, child sex trafficking, human trafficking, organ trafficking, pedophilia, and satanic ritual abuse must be abolished once and for all. The following will act as an introduction to what is now being uncovered as search engines and shopping sites working together as platforms secretly assisting in child trafficking.
Now more than ever it seems Trump's administration was been specifically designed to bring down the Deep State Fascist Freemasonic Satanic Globalist Illuminati Jesuit Zionist Cabal Swamp, the ring leaders of all forms of illegal human trafficking. The following legislation are Congress Laws, Presidential Proclamations (fact sheets) and Presidential Executive Orders relating to Trump's efforts to end human trafficking. These were initially available on the official government Whitehouse website during the Trump presidency and were archived on the National Archives Federal Register and TrumpWhitehouse.Archive.Gov once the White Hat 2021 USA Inc. Joe Biden Shadow Presidency commenced so we can safely disregard any fake news mainstream media narrative spinning attempting to discredit the legitimacy of the following Trump administration executive policies.
Issued on: February 9, 2017
Transnational criminal organizations and subsidiary organizations, including transnational drug cartels, have spread throughout the Nation, threatening the safety of the United States and its citizens. These organizations derive revenue through widespread illegal conduct, including acts of violence and abuse that exhibit a wanton disregard for human life. They, for example, have been known to commit brutal murders, rapes, and other barbaric acts. These groups are drivers of crime, corruption, violence, and misery. In particular, the trafficking by cartels of controlled substances has triggered a resurgence in deadly drug abuse and a corresponding rise in violent crime related to drugs. Likewise, the trafficking and smuggling of human beings by transnational criminal groups risks creating a humanitarian crisis. These crimes, along with many others, are enriching and empowering these organizations to the detriment of the American people.
Issued on: December 21, 2017
All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in
Issued on: March 13, 2018
My Administration will focus on ending the absolutely horrific practice of human trafficking. And I am prepared to bring the full force and weight of our government, whatever we can do, in order to solve this horrific problem.
Issued on: October 11, 2018
My Administration will focus on ending the absolutely horrific practice of human trafficking.
Issued on: January 9, 2019
This is an urgent humanitarian issue. My administration is committed to leveraging every resource we have to confront this threat, to support the victims and survivors, and to hold traffickers accountable for their heinous crimes.
Issued on: January 31, 2020
Human trafficking is a form of modern slavery. Throughout the United States and around the world, human trafficking tears apart communities, fuels criminal activity, and threatens the national security of the United States. It is estimated that millions of individuals are trafficked around the world each year — including into and within the United States. As the United States continues to lead the global fight against human trafficking, we must remain relentless in resolving to eradicate it in our cities, suburbs, rural communities, tribal lands, and on our transportation networks. Human trafficking in the United States takes many forms and can involve exploitation of both adults and children for labor and sex.
S.534 - Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017 - 115th Congress (2017-2018) - 02/14/2018
S.1311 - Abolish Human Trafficking Act of 2017 - 115th Congress (2017-2018) - 12/21/2018
S.1312 - Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2017 - 115th Congress (2017-2018) - 12/21/2018
S.1532 - No Human Trafficking on Our Roads Act - 115th Congress (2017-2018) - 01/08/2018
S.1536 - Combating Human Trafficking in Commercial Vehicles Act - 115th Congress (2017-2018) - 01/03/2018
H.R.4708 - Department of Homeland Security Blue Campaign Authorization Act - 115th Congress (2017-2018) - 02/14/2018
S.227 - Savanna's Act - 116th Congress (2019-2020) - 10/10/2020
S.982 - Not Invisible Act of 2019 - 116th Congress (2019-2020) - 10/10/2020
Angela Stanton King was one of the first pro-truth politicians to speak up regarding some of the websites involved in allowing traffickers to sell children under the guise of extremely overpriced accessories and furniture. In summary, websites like Etsy & Wayfair are hosting accessories or furniture with very specific names of missing children in their titles for extremely overpriced amounts, leading many to believe that purchasing these items is actually the trafficking of these very missing children. The exact same items can be seen for normal prices without the missing child's name in the title of the product.
Just like all the other corrupt activities going on around the world right now, this too involves Globalist George Soros as he owns a large portion of Wayfair:
What's even more interesting is that it seems like Wayfair is also connected to the Epstein bloodline. So let's break it down, the CEO of Wayfair is Niraj Shah who is also the Board Director of the Shah Foundation. Coincidentally, the Shah Foundation is partnered up with the Boys & Girls Clubs of America which was founded by Julius Epstein. Hmm... so it turns out Julius Epstein is the father of Seymour George Epstein who is the father of no other than... certified pedo-trafficker-extraordinaire-informant Jeffrey Edward Epstein who certainly did not kill himself. It is believed that Jeffrey made a deal with the White Hat Military Alliance to turn over all the blackmail pedophilia evidence he had on the entire deep state Cabal in exchange for a Rommel death and life in a secret underground military grade prison.

On October 12, 2023, a 4 year old girl named Ly went missing via secret opening floor trap door inside a Disneyland of Anaheim, California bathroom stall connected to underground tunnels. Q Drop 3497 pointed out that Disney Cruise Line's "Captain Nautica's Snorkeling Expedition" stops by Little St. James Island (a.k.a. Epstein Island) for snorkeling, which implies Disney is trafficking children via their theme parks, underground tunnel systems and cruise ventures.
Here is a PDF downloadable copy of Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book:
Here is a PDF downloadable copy of Jeffrey Epstein's Flight Log:
Donald Trump has been telling us all along over the years that these people are pedophiles with his famous "Pedo Point."

It was also reported by citizen journalists around the world that searching the SKU of these products in combination with either "SRC USA" or "USSCR" on Yandex Images results in images of young girls in minimal clothing or bathing suits, as seen in the following uncovered examples below.
Typically, when we think about the harvesting and trafficking of adrenochrome, children, and organs we imagine that looking something like the following images depicting children in cardboard, crates, secret underground facilities (like military bunkers known as D.U.M.B.'s, Epstein's Island Underground Compound & The Getty Museum) and shipping containers. As you scroll further down this article you will see some alternate alleged methods of trafficking these children in plain sight, often utilizing the unknowing (or knowing) mail currier service to ship the trafficked children or by-products.

Lolita sex doll slave toys are made from trafficked prepubescent girls for the purpose of sadistic pleasure such as Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA). The girls are put through extreme torture grooming including being stitched up, blinding by lasers, continual rape, ear deafening, electrocution, hot wax burning, limb amputation, teeth removal and vocal cords removal. This immobilization and sensory deprivation process makes the girls mentally and physically submissive to their owners while preventing them from ever being able to get help or run away.

The underground component of smuggling and trafficking is exactly why the US Army trains its personnel for subterranean operations (ATP 3-21.51).
When they have to move these children above ground from country to country they stuff them in crates for weeks at a time and ship them across the world. The majority of large ports worldwide seem to conveniently have hidden entrances to underground tunnel systems used to move children discretely once they are unloaded from shipping containers.

The following two clips explain some background context on trafficking being done via Evergreen shipping containers and companies alike.
These children can then be mass moved underground via tunnels systems and D.U.M.B.'s as depicted below, easily bypassing Canadian and Mexican borders. Elon Musk's "The Boring Company" dug some of the D.U.M.B.'s (Deep Underground Military Bases) connected to underground tunnel systems used for human and organ trafficking. Boring machines similar to those depicted below were used to dig these deep underground tunnels. When the trafficked children need to make their way to the end abuser the child must be trafficked up to the surface level and distributed by parcel services or train including some of the corporations mentioned in this article.
The aforementioned in addition to our Neuralink Whistleblower transcript are the reason why Elon Musk was arrested for crimes against humanity and replaced by a White Hat Military installed crisis actor double being used to unite and awaken the masses on topics like adrenochrome, the LGBTQPedo Transhumanist Globalist Ashkenazi World Order Agenda and the true shape of Earth.

Even the White House has its very own tunnel system which can be used in the event a President needs to quietly escape for whatever reason or even for nefarious purposes like "$65,000 of the tax-payers money flying in pizza/dogs from Chicago for a private party at the White House."

As of December 12, 2023 it became evident that Etsy was selling instantly downloadable pedo images disguised as pizza images for thousands of dollars. Here are two archived links of the following deleted Etsy examples as seen below ($3,500.00 "Extra Hot Pepperoni Pizza" & $6,558.24 "4-Tony's Pepperoni Pizza") as they are getting removed within minutes at times.
The following exemplify some of the products being sold on Etsy and Wayfair for outrageous prices that match the names of missing children. Before those we have a news clipping of a Barnesville Wayfair delivery driver arrested for human trafficking meaning this is no longer a "conspiracy theory," but rather a conspiracy fact.

Supporting Articles & Videos
CBS Admits Comet Ping Pong (PizzaGate) Has Never Been Investigated By Any Authorities
Elite Human Trafficking Vol. 1 - Ghislaine Maxwell's Terramar Project
Elite Human Trafficking Vol. 4 - Dr. Phil's Turn-About Ranch
Elite Human Trafficking Vol. 5 - The Cult Of Moloch & The Luzzatto Family
@NSAGov Tweets: #PizzaGate Is Real. Do Not Give Up The Citizen Investigation
Trump Signs Executive Order Allowing For $4 Million To Combat Human Trafficking
🔍 Coach, Consult & Counsel 📱 Connect 🔄 Share Operation Q's (HMM's Managing Editor) Over 🎯 Censored RedPilling Articles 💊 Support The Mission 🙏🏽
The choice is yours to know. God Bless & WWG1WGA!
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