So before we get started, let us first understand that before Trump was POTUS GITMO (Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp) was a fraction of the size it now is. This can be clearly confirmed by the following visuals, identifying a significant amount of expansion for what is expected to be tens of thousands of new ex-elite prisoners. Well, those who are not executed via military tribunal at least. Even though Joe Biden campaigned to have GITMO shutdown why has his military installed crisis actor double not followed through? Maybe because Donald J. Trump is still the rightful Commander-In-Chief (CIC) of the United States, throughout the Joe Biden shadow presidency? The White Hat Military Alliance Is In Control.

Aside from prison barges and military ships on international waters, there are joint operational Judge Advocate General (JAG) military tribunals known to be ongoing at 4 military bases:
Camp Justice was initially located at Diego Garcia until July 2006 when it was renamed Camp Thunder Cove. In 2007 the military commissions complex at Guantánamo Bay was named Camp Justice by Technical Sergeant Neil Felver of the 122 Civil Engineering Squadron in a naming contest. These military tribunals were authorized by the Military Commissions Act of 2006.

As of July 13, 2019 The Washington Times confirmed that the House voted in favor of broadcasting Guantánamo Bay proceedings online. Shockingly, this was delivered by treasonous Representative Adam Schiff as an amendment to the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) as noted in the July 11, 2019 Congressional Record Daily Digest Vol. 165, No. 116 where he stated:
(No. 340) that authorizes military judges in any proceeding of a military commission at United States Naval Station, Guantánamo Bay, Cuba to order arrangements for remote public viewing of the proceedings via internet
Now, if you are not aware of these indictments I am referring to, that makes perfect sense because they are still sealed and not yet public knowledge. Please allow me to enlighten you. These equate to roughly 562,483 sealed indictments plus about 78,022 that have been unsealed already (last updated March 13, 2025) which pertain to the most disturbing and corrupt crimes against humanity.
These crimes range from human trafficking, organ trafficking, child sex trafficking, slavery, treason, terrorism, fraud, misuse of AI, genocide, brainwashing, defamation, 5G endangerment, religious discrimination, misrepresentation, censorship, privacy infringement, and prevention of saving humanity from biotech endangerment. Below you will find the related and confirmed ongoing lawsuit (PACER proof banned) filed by Cyprus A. Parsa, The AI Organization vs. Google et al. on February 26, 2020.
Relatedly, another notable court case has been brought forward by the Latham family versus Epstein's "The 1953 Trust" and was updated as recently as February 1, 2021. This lawsuit showcases how a child was bought, sold, and used as a commodity by multiple high level Luciferian pedophile elites and their respectively associated media corporations and record labels. The full lawsuit shown below highlights the charges relating to spying, stalking, drugging, abducting, hostage taking and kidnapping for the purposes of criminally organized sociopathic conduct including sexual assault, sexual harassment, abuse, rape, torment, torture, exploitation, extortion, and human trafficking.
Equally, there has been numerous documents published on the Human Rights Tribunal International website relating to violations of all 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) including war crimes to commit mass genocide involving ANTIFA, CDC, Fauci, Gates Foundation, National Lawyers Guild, National Governors Association, The Rothschild Family, and WHO.
By March 18, 2021 the Natural & Common Law Tribunal For Public Health & Justice (a.k.a. had issued its final order including a judgement enforcement and compliance order regarding ceasing and desisting distribution of all COVID vaccinations as they are considered to be genetic biowarfare thus constituting as geocide and crimes against humanity. Both the judgement enforcement and compliance order documents are linked within this cease and desist order.
Many of these deep state elites were given warning of their looming arrests via secret envelopes (referenced in Q Drop 2608) handed out at George H. W. Bush's funeral. The following video and image will show you a few of those who were served the letter and what exactly the letter said. Essentially, George H.W. Bush confessed everything in his military human rights tribunal (filmed on analog) which severely implicated many deep state perpetrators.

Many of these involved elites have been using COVID-19 as a guise for their crimes against humanity, using coded communications to let each other know their legal situations. The images below give us a great breakdown of their comms.

It was reported that all of the adrenochrome production facilities have been shutdown as part of the White Hat Military Alliance draining the deep state satanic swamp. However, before they were shutdown the last supply was purposefully tainted with a HIV version of COVID-19 to act as a marker for those elites involved in crimes against humanity. We are witnessing many of these elites suffer from adrenochrome withdrawal during the COVID-19 scamdemic. We can identify they are suffering from adrenochrome withdrawal as the symptoms include reversing positive effects, schizophrenia, sever physical / mental / emotional damage, and accelerated aging. The following image differentiates the SARS versus HIV strain of COIVD-19 and the possible outcomes for either scenario.

Many of these involved elites are/were suited with an ankle monitor or microchip tracker while on house arrest and prior to their sentencing hearings. They often fake a leg injury to get a large cast, boot or brace over their monitor to conceal it easily. There are also award winning multi-patented consumer grade GPS SmartSole hidden trackers available online utilizing T-Mobile's 4G cellular network, so imagine the type of military grade GPS tracking equipment that exists secretively? It is highly speculated that these elites are in fact equipped with a state-of-the-art modernized military GPS tracking rechargeable leg brace with lethal actuator technology know as a "#QBoot" or "#KillBoot" as drawn below by John Biggs (ex-military RAF helicopter engineer).

Below we can see Ellen DeGeneres with her (rather I should say his) SMART Monitor on, followed by Meng Wanzhou showing hers off countless times. Followed by other elites and politicians with their braces or boots on in order to conceal their tracking ankle monitors.

On CNN September 6, 2018 John Kasich confirmed John McCain's execution during a Chris Cuomo interview, which helped explain the wrinkled flag draped over his casket (traitor comms) at his funeral a few days prior. Kasich said "The other thing is when you look at the congress though, its like 24 hours since John McCain was put to death and look at this circus of a hearing that’s going on."
Justin Trudeau for example had the ankle monitor himself for some time (as seen above), until he supposedly had himself micro-chipped as explained below in the following note by Annie, a Canadian Government official. That is until he was executed at his military tribunal and replaced by a military installed crisis actor double.

Whereas the double Joe Biden so flagrantly shows off how not broken his foot is, just mere days after he allegedly fractured it. He is so obviously concealing an ankle monitor and this just makes it undeniable. Clearly he has entirely capitulated to the plan and is merely playing his role out, most commonly believed to be replaced by a white hat military installed crisis actor double.

As of June 11, 2020 images of lists with elites' names began surfacing on social media and circulating around in groups and group chats. They seem to identify who is currently on house arrest, in prison, awaiting tribunal, at GITMO or already executed. There are many versions of the lists and there appears to be quite some overlap in names, which helps to confirm the validity of them.
Furthermore, there has been numerous additions and updates to these lists thanks to Brian Robert Hyland from Conspiracy Daily Update. I have taken the most updated version of the list and alphabetized it for your pleasure and ease of use if you'd like an excel copy of the names listed below.

To honor the 3 year anniversary of my GITMO list and an abundance of requests for an update over the years, I have put together the following alphabetized updated (excel) list based on the intel updates provided by military and royalty connected sources on X (formerly Twitter) including: Ariel (@Prolotario1), Łitecoin Bull | The News Before The News! (@litecoin_bull), THE REAL DARK JUDGE (@ROYALMRBADNEWS) and WarNuse (@WarNuse). Keep in mind there are thousands of names not mentioned here which does not necessarily mean they were not arrested, executed and/or replaced yet; although there are continuous additional military tribunals ongoing.

Specifically, the following 50 politically involved elites have been charged with any combination of the following Title 18 U.S. Code felony violations including:

These arrests, executions, and tribunals began as far back as 2017 during Trumps presidency and are still ongoing as of today as many indictments have yet to be unsealed. The following diagrams seek to make sense of the "plan" or "show" or "movie" or "script" the entire world is watching as the Deep State Freemasonic Illuminati Jesuit Khazarian Cabal Globalist Satanists are being brought down behind the scenes. The behind the scenes aspect is quite literally the underground component of smuggling and trafficking which is exactly why the US Army trains its personnel for subterranean operations (ATP 3-21.51).

Many of the elites that have already been arrested or executed along with those who have not yet had their military tribunal will continue to commit suicide or die mysterious deaths. This is also how the white hat clones/doubles filling in for the indicted elites will exit the movie we are all watching. The fake news media may even label many of these Rommel deaths as COVID-19 to push their narrative on the sleeping masses in order to keep as many fear-mongered as possible. These elites are attempting to keep their public image and legacy intact and have taken deals behind the scenes. The crimes they have committed are either treasonous or crimes against humanity which all equate to the death sentence regardless.

Operation Warp Speed, a military vaccine delivery operation is believed to secretly be these indictments unsealing for mass arrests via the military for crimes against humanity, treason, and other high crimes (the military is the cure). We have seen numerous live broadcasted vaccine injections (many of which appear to be using prop needles to fake injections) to some well known treasonous or pedophilic persons. Now the key point that needs to be overserved in the following image is that all the flags are wrinkled, which is a comm for traitor/treason. Is it possible that these vaccines are actually lethal injections? Have we just witnessed actors/doubles being phased out of the movie? Operation Warp Speed doubles as a self-destructing big pharma implosion where they expose themselves as genocidal extinctionists with their MOSSAD bioweapon depopulation scheme packaged as COVID-19 "vaccines."

In the following "The Daily Show" clip from April 8, 2019 are numerous examples of Donald Trump referring to "Central Casting." Central Casting (established in 1925) has become known as the leading background actor casting company in the entertainment industry with offices in Georgia, Los Angeles, Louisiana and New York. Openly on their official website homepage they mention they provide hundreds of daily bookings for stand-ins and doubles. In the clip Trump specifies General Jim Mattis, Vice President Mike Pence, NRCC Chairmen Tom Emmer and Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh are Central Casting doubles, followed by "everyone is Central Casting" and "make a military movie."
The following video by Charlie Freak is known as "Trump & The Q Plan: Complete From A To Z" which was designed to help you understand how CIC Donald Trump was able to use monumental volumes of adrenochrome, organ harvesting and child trafficking evidence to get all world leaders to capitulate to the White Hat Military Alliance plan. This includes fake royalty, the Jesuit Vatican, all Khazarian Mafia controlled central banks, presidents and prime ministers. Essentially, making Trump the richest, most powerful man in the world, backed by the largest military alliance coalition (BRICS+) as all countries that agreed to capitulate to Trump and the White Hat Military Alliance's demands have since been taking orders. The capitulators that submitted to the White Hat Military Alliance plan were forced to assist in the worldwide operation or risk being exposed on the mainstream level for their pedophiliac criminality.
As mentioned in the above video, human cloning has long been confirmed and many of the replaced elites you have seen are in fact actors/doubles standing in for their originals. They are doing so to assist normies wake up by exposing their originals criminality, ruining their legacies, while doubling as spies gathering intel on other pedophiles that have not yet been arrested/apprehended by the military. The necessity for doubles acting as placeholders until the military tribunals can be made public is because humanity is still awakening to the crimes these sick disgusting Cabal Deep State Freemason Globalist Illuminati Jesuit Khazarian Luciferian Zionists are truly involved in. Civil war would break out, the majority of society would literally go mentally insane and many would unfortunately commit suicide if they learned the full truth of their crimes against humanity all at once. This is why we must help everyone we know raise their vibrational frequency, overcome cognitive dissonance, take the Red Pill, defeat indoctrination and demand public disclosure of military tribunals for crimes against humanity. Once we collectively see the light we shall collectively know the truth, we are in it together. NCSWIC - WWG1WGA!
Post-2020 Updates
At the Out Of Babylon Conference (segment 3 of 8) hosted at Church of Glad Tidings between June 4-6, 2021, David Lester Straight (former County Sherriff Deputy, Intelligence Officer & Presidential Task Force Agent) confirmed the use of Guantánamo Bay (GITMO), Guam and Tierra Del Fuego (Naval Base Ushuaia) for military tribunals. From 2:06:38 in the full clip, David explains these tribunals began September 30, 2020 and only 30 news reporters got a lottery ticket to go down to GITMO and watch the trials. He goes on to specify that Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, John Brennan and John Podesta have all had their trials already. Lastly, he explained he had the pleasure to meet Vice Admiral Darse E. "Del" Crandall Jr. (Navy Judge Advocate General, JAG) who is the chief judge at GITMO that had the privilege of trialing Hillary.
As of December 29, 2021 it became evident that vindication was just around the corner, come mid-2023 the mainstream media New York Times has confirmed there will be military judges having military tribunals in two brand new courtrooms at Guantánamo Bay.
On December 3, 2022 retired Australian Special Air Service (SAS) Lieutenant Colonel Riccardo Bosi had an interview with Sarah Youll (national coordinator for AustraliaOne Party) where he confirmed Q. In the following clip from the full interview Bosi stated that Operation Q has been underway for at least 60 years, since the Kennedy assassination and this final counteroffensive wave commenced before Trump was installed in 2016. He explained presidents and prime ministers are all capitulating, panicking, running and squealing on each other as the Freemasonic filth collapses, leaving only the useful idiots. He said by the middle of 2023 the military tribunals will kick off, as many have already been done, many have already been arrested, charged and executed as demonstrated here in this article.
On June 16, 2022 the United States Senate Armed Services Committee voted to advance the James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2023 to the Senate floor. The act specified to amend Article 66 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) to authorize judicial review of any conviction by court-martial, regardless of the sentence imposed and amend Article 69 of the UCMJ to clarify the scope of review in general and special court-martial cases reviewed by a Judge Advocate General (JAG). On June On June 22, 2023 the United States Senate Armed Services Committee voted to advance the Roger F. Wicker National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2024 to the Senate floor. The act specified an outright ban on Department of Defense (DOD) funding to to close the United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay (GITMO), to relinquish control over that facility, or to make a material modification to the treaty between the United States and Cuba that would effectively close the Guantanamo Bay facility. Essentially these two highlights from the NDAA 2023 and 2024 respectively confirm that Judge Advocate General's (JAG) are authorized to review any conviction and GITMO cannot shutdown for the remainder of the 2024 fiscal year.

On November 10, 2023 Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes (a U.S. Department of Defense Task Force member) was interviewed on the SGT Report, where she confirmed ongoing military tribunals around the world via U.S. Navy ships. Around 1:02:17 in the full interview Dr. Jan specifies the following:
Sometimes you have to see how horrible they really are before they get cut off at the knees and that's what happened to McCarthy. So I take that example, it might not be a tribunal, it might not be all of our Navy ships off the coast of Japan and Australia and here in the UK and the Mediterranean where the tribunals are going on right now, but we will see signs like that and it is those actualities that you can take for hope and belief we're getting there.
On January 21, 2025, Catherine Herridge released a 4 minute video clip from Guantánamo Bay Naval Station Cuba (GITMO) Camp Justice (a JAG Military tribunal base) about their 3 court houses and how only 15 detainees remained there alive.
Published January 22, 2025, in preparation for a future trial, the Office of Military Commissions (OMC) purchased 156 Individual Housing Units (IHUs) for approximately 12 million dollars. Each 361 square foot unit costs $76,923, with few in use.
On January 23, 2025 Catherine hints Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) is needed to help speed up tribunals as CIC / POTUS Trump does often say "speedy trials." Much is restricted as per National Security so only preliminary hearings can be shown including: Al-Qaeda 9/11 Terrorism cases and the USS Cole Bombing which killed 17 American Sailors. She emphasized again that court house number 3 was under construction which implies more tribunals are coming soon.
On January 24, 2025 Catherine asked, "What can President Trump do?" USS Cole Survivor, "He can get it to trial...This is the trial that never ends." Hinting CIC/POTUS Donald Trump must speed up JAG Military Tribunals.
January 25, 2025 makes it 17 years of litigation life sentences instead of executions as per plea deals? Did MOSSAD do 9/11 and peg Al-Qaeda as the fall guys? Will CIC/POTUS Trump get involved in the 9/11 Military Tribunal?
On January 26, 2025 Catherine really drives the message across that JAG Military Tribunals are costly, ongoing and not shutting down anytime soon. A strong emphasises requested of CIC/POTUS Trump to speed up the trials.
On January 27, 2025 Catherine said she will get answers back in Washington as to why justice was delayed due to the lack of efficiency in operating the JAG Military Tribunals due to prolonged CIA waterboarding torture techniques.
As per CIC/POTUS Donald Trump's January 29, 2025 memo to the Secretary of Defense (Pete Hegseth) and the Secretary of Homeland Security (Kristi Noem) to "expand the Migrant Operations Center at Naval Station Guantanamo Bay (GITMO) to full capacity to provide additional detention space for high-priority criminal aliens" we can observe the swift action taken to implement. Using satellite imagery from Planet Labs as of February 6, 2025 Sky News reported that 140 tents appeared in comparison to imagery from only 5 days prior. Using the same Copernicus Sentinel-2 imagery, as of March 1, 2025 ABC News reported that 175 new structures (mainly canvas tents) were constructed between February 2, 2025 and February 19, 2025. Between the date of announcing the expansion project (January 29, 2025) and the arrival of the first flight of high priority migrant criminals (February 5, 2025), 50 new structures were assembled near military airfield Leeward Point Field. Following their arrival construction ramped up including 125 new structures rapidly assembled, Department of Homeland Security officially confirming 195 tents were erected in total.

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