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Kamala Harris: Corrupt Former Prosecutor Selected As Joe Biden's 2020 Running Mate & 2024 POTUS Replacement

Updated: Aug 27

Although Kamala Harris said she "does not believe Biden is a racist" she essentially suggested that Joe Biden is not just a racist, but a rapist as well in relation to the Tara Reade case. This makes it all the more surprising that Sleepy Double Joe Biden has selected Harris as his VP nominee for the 2020 presidential election. Can he be that confused? With all the racist remarks Biden is famously known for, it's clear he really does need the help of a corrupt "black" woman to "win" the 2020 election. Not to mention the heinous pedophiliac crimes against children, growing sexual assault allegations from women, photos kissing his own granddaughter and many other uneasy photos sniffing women or children.

On that note, it's important we address some facts regarding Kamala Harris' birth and heritage as she falsely claims to be an "African-American," but has no direct African heritage as neither of her immigrant parents are/were African. Her mother was Shyamala Gopalan a Caucasian Indian and her father is Marxist professor Donald Jasper Harris a Jamaican migrant that was born in Antrim, Ireland. Furthermore, she was raised in Canada not even the United States, which doesn't help her case of being a “natural born” citizen which is a requirement when running for the presidency in any capacity including VP. Her California Certificate of Live Birth was released on August 14, 2020 which confirmed her parents genuine ethnicities. Her middle name was initially Iyer, but two weeks later her parents changed it to Devi.

Kamala Devi Harris Californian Certificate of Live Birth - October 20, 1964
Kamala Devi Harris Californian Certificate of Live Birth - October 20, 1964
Kamala Devi Harris Jamaican Certificate of Birth - October 20, 1964

March 13, 2019

It appears Kamala Harris is attempting to pull a Barack Hussein in 2020, failing to meet the citizenship requirement to serve as president, but running anyway. Why not? Hussein got away with it.
The “natural born citizen” language in the Constitution, as inconvenient as it may be, is where both Hussein and Harris fall short in qualifying to serve as president.
As with all children born to foreigners in the United States, Harris is a “naturalized” citizen, a so-called “anchor baby,” not a “natural born” citizen, a night and day difference in terms of qualifying to serve as President of the United States as outlined in Section 1, Article 2 of our Constitution.

1. Kamala Harris is an anchor baby, born to a Caucasian Indian mother and a Jamaican father. 

Until and unless Harris can prove otherwise, this appears to be true, as Harris’ birth certificate, below, proves.

2. Kamala Harris is not African-American, she is Jamaican-Indian. 

Technically, true, although I believe Harris is leaning on her Jamaican heritage to claim African descent, as many Jamaicans were descendants of African slaves.

3. Kamala Harris is not eligible to hold the position of President of the United States. 

True, according to all that we know and Section 1, Article 2 of our Constitution.

At the time of Kamala’s birth, her parents were were foreign students not U.S. citizens. This makes her a Jamaican-Indian anchor baby robbing actual African-American blacks of their history. Therefore, she is not eligible to hold the office of president. unless court documents prove otherwise regarding her parents citizenship at her time of birth.

It's clear Harris is using her black identity to get blacks excited about her being on the ticket, hoping they'll forget about her past history as a prosecutor that was tough-on-crime policies that some believe disproportionately hurt blacks. Wikipedia has already scrubbed her page to remove any potentially damaging information in relation to her prosecutorial record against an overwhelming minority base for non violent charges. She made her career going after minorities for non violent charges. Being tough on crime doesn't necessarily fit the entire Marxist-BLM defund the police narrative does it?

January 16, 2019

Kamala Harris is no friend of black people.
She did everything in her power to support the mass incarceration system and all of its foundations.
Harris opposed legislation that would have required her office to investigate police shootings.
She always sided with law enforcement, which means she acted against the interests of black people.
As attorney general she actively opposed marijuana legalization.

As we have always known, #PizzaGate is very real and the following email from the Podesta WikiLeaks identifies that Maya Harris (Kamala's sister) is closely involved with the Clinton trafficking gang and pedo Podesta pizza party gang. For the sake of our children I think it's extremely important not to have someone connected to Satanic pedophiles that consume adrenochrome and sacrifice children in office again, Obama did more than enough damage to the United States of America. In relation to this pizza party WikiLeak implicating Maya Harris, WikiLeaks graciously reminded us of an additional 137 leaked documents involving Kamala Harris upon her selection as Sleepy Joe's running mate. There was 137 results at the time of the Gateway Pundit article (which has now been reduced to 91 results) that Kamala Harris was mentioned on WikiLeaks.

It also turns out that Harris has secret Freemasonic police connections and a history of protecting corrupt molestation and child trafficking scandals.

Trump was also surprised Sleepy Joe decided to pick Harris due to her mean attitude towards Kavanaugh and her extreme leftist ideologies.

Harris is so extreme and corrupt that she has openly threatened to round up Trump supporters, telling them to "look out" if they supported or endorsed his actions because the dirty DNC swamp "we'll be coming for you next."

Oh yea, to top it off, according to both Breitbart and Daily Caller Harris' father's side of the family owned multiple sugar plantations throughout the 19th-century equipped with "comfortable" slaves as Donald Harris stated, 210 to be exact. As if slavery is a comfortable thing. Not only is this information confirmed from Donald Harris (her father), but the Jamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library even has the entire list of all 210 slaves including their names and ages (seen below). These slaves were owned by Harris' ancestor Hamilton Brown from Jamaica in 1817. He was one of the largest planters in Jamaica, even having a town named after him, Brown's Town.

Jamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library: Hamilton Brown's Slaves Page 1
Jamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library: Hamilton Brown's Slaves Page 2
Jamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library: Hamilton Brown's Slaves Page 3

The known globalist Soros funded leftist smear machine Snopes can't even call it "false" nor "partly false" because its that true, so they simply label it "unproven" in this case as to not hinder their leftist candidate any further than she already has done herself. Here she is on the day being selected as VP nominee with Soros' son likely conspiring how to further ruin America with Marxist-Communist regimes.

By April 5, 2016 mainstream sources like LA Times, NBC and USA Today reported that California Attorney General Kamala Harris had ordered the seizure of David Daleiden's (founder of Center for Medical Progress) undercover video footage that exposed Planned Parenthood's illegal trafficking of aborted fetus parts.

AG Kamala Harris Seized The Center For Medical Progress (CMJ) Undercover Video Footage Exposing Planned Parenthood Fetus Trafficking

On February 7, 2023 at the State Of Union address, Kamala Harris' double had their hyperflesh latex/silicone mask crumpling up around the neck as shown on ABC News around 14:40 in the full video. You will notice her neck does not typically crumple like that which is validation a hyperflesh disguise mask was being worn by her double.

According to Patrick Lincoln Kahlooni (a.k.a. Patrick Bouvier Kennedy @kennedy_bouvier) the original Kamala Harris was actually "Kamal Aroush" from Benghazi, Libya. Meaning that Kamala Harris was really just another LGBTQ Elite Gender Invert #EGI fooling the masses like Big Mike.

Kamal Aroush (Kamala Harris)

If you look closely at the following image, their appears to be a phallic shaped bulge in the upright position tucked under Kamala's dress, or should we say Kamal. This was when Ashley Williams, Montel Williams and Kamala Harris attended the 8th Annual Race To Erase Multiple Sclerosis Benefit "Rock & Soul To Erase MS" at the Century Plaza Hotel in Century City, California on May 18, 2001. Photo taken by Frank Trapper/Corbis via Getty Images.

Ashley Williams, Montel Williams & Kamala Harris At 8th Annual Race To Erase Multiple Sclerosis Benefit "Rock & Soul To Erase MS" At The Century Plaza Hotel In Century City, California On May 18, 2021


Hawk Tuah 2024 Campaign Memes


Joe & The Hoe 2020 Campaign Memes







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The choice is yours to know. God Bless & WWG1WGA!


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